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International Conference on
International Conference on
October 16-18, 2017 | Toronto, Canada
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res 2017 | Volume 2 Issue 3
he impairment of memory functions is very common in
patients with chronic pain, particularly in patients with
existing cognitive disorders. In this study, we investigated
the effects of chronic exposure of tramadol, which could
impair the memory evaluated in the ORT. For this purpose,
this study was carried out on 15 (3×5 group) male Wistar
rats (weighing 220±20 g). The animals had free access to
food and water before the experiment. They were kept at a
constant room temperature (22±1C) under a 12-12 h light/
dark cycle, while using an apparatus consisting of a circular
arena, Then, TRM was dissolved freshly in distilled water.
The animal was received gavage 50 mg/kg daily for 30 days
according to the respective chronic treatment groups. Each
respective control group took distilled water in the same
manner. The administration of drug was done between
8-22 am every day. To check the memory in the scheme
of Task Recognition Object, a test was employed to detect
objects based on the animal’s natural desire to explore new
object in front of a familiar object. The results showed that
the physiological function of GABA and inhibitory effect
of ACh release of TRM in cholinergic activity can indicate
some negative behavioral effects of TRM. In summary, our
research confirms that the low doses in chronic exposure of
tramadol could impair the memory evaluated in the ORT. The
agonistic property of Tramadol for GABA receptor, disruption
of normal GABA physiological function and the inhibitory
effect of Tramadol on the ACh release and the cholinergic
activity could be supposed as some possible mechanism
of negative behavioral effect of Tramadol. However, more
molecular studies are needed for the declaration of the
exact mechanism of the nervous system in the future.
Speaker Biography
Leila Kanaani has completed her MSc of Medical Toxicology at Azad University,
Shahreza, Iran in 2016. Her specialist training involved study, research and teaching
of Nutrition, Diet Therapy and Medical Toxicology. She has authored numerous public
international and national works and provides presentations on topics related to the
Nanodrug Delivery. Her expertise is in Medical Toxicology field and special interest in
Nanodrug Delivery. She has experience of work in the Nutrition and Diet Therapy in
lk_rd@yahoo.comEvaluation of chronic tramadol administration on memory of rat
Leila Kanaani
Azad University, Iran