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International Conference on
International Conference on
October 16-18, 2017 | Toronto, Canada
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res 2017 | Volume 2 Issue 3
he conversion of the cellular prion protein (PrPC) to the
protease-resistant isoform is the key event in chronic
neurodegenerative diseases, including transmissible
spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). Increased iron in
prion-related disease has been observed due to the prion
protein-ferritin complex. Additionally, the accumulation and
conversion of recombinant PrP (rPrP) is specifically derived
from Fe(III) but not Fe(II). Fe(III)-mediated PK-resistant
PrP (PrPres) conversion occurs within a complex cellular
environment rather than via direct contact between rPrP and
Fe(III). In this study, differentially expressed genes correlated
with prion degeneration by Fe(III) were identified using
Affymetrix microarrays. Following Fe(III) treatment, 97 genes
were differentially expressed, including 85 upregulated
genes and 12 downregulated genes (≥1.5-fold change in
expression). However, Fe(II) treatment produced moderate
alterations in gene expression without inducing dramatic
alterations in gene expression profiles. Moreover, functional
grouping of identified genes indicated that the differentially
regulated genes were highly associated with cell growth, cell
maintenance, and intra- and extracellular transport. These
findings showed that Fe(III) may influence the expression
of genes involved in PrP folding by redox mechanisms. The
identification of genes with altered expression patterns
in neural cells may provide insights into PrP conversion
mechanisms during the development and progression of
prion-related diseases.
Speaker Biography
Hee-Jong Woo Immunology VMD, Ph.D professor of faculty of veterinary medicine,
Seoul National University since 1992. Has completed his Ph.D of Immunology at the
University of Tokyo, Japan in 1987. His postdoctoral training was at the Division of
molecular diseases, Department of Pediatrics, School of medicine, University of
Pennsylvania, and was an instructor of Laboratory of cancer biology, Department of
surgery, School of Medicine at the Harvard University. He provides presentations on
topics related to the neurodegenerative diseases in brain. Expertise in all immunological
field and special interest in prion biology and the inflammation of brain.
hjwoo@snu.ac.krAnalysis of differentially expressed genes in iron-induced prion protein conversion
Hee-Jong Woo
Seoul National University, South Korea