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Journal of Biomedical Research | Volume: 29

November 19-20, 2018 | Paris, France

Molecular Biology, Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine

International Conference on

Joint Event




World Heart Congress

The extracellular matrix molecule tenascin-C promotes metastasis by multiple mechanisms

Gertraud Orend

Université de Strasbourg, France


oday, an orchestrating role of the tumormicroenvironment

iswidely acceptedwhereespecially stromal cells and soluble

factors are recognized as active players. Yet, the extracellular

matrix, although highly abundant, is often considered as

passive bystander. A better understanding of the functions of

the extracellular matrix in cancer is largely hampered by the

lack of relevant models. This applies also to the extracellular

matrix molecule tenascin-C, which is a marker of the cancer

specific tumor microenvironment. We used a comprehensive

approach comprising novel immune competentmousemodels

(with engineered tenascin-C levels) and demonstrated that

tenascin-Cplaysmultiple roles incancer. Tenascin-C is dangerous

as soon as it is expressed out of control. Through assembly into

“Tumor Matrix Tracks”, tenascin-C impacts tumor and stromal

cells including immune cells thereby regulating tumor immunity.

Tenascin-C also enhances formation of new but leaky blood

vessels. Direct interactions with tenascin-C causes endothelial

cell rounding and death or survival upon induction of an

insulatingpericellular fibronectin coat. Tenascin-Cenhances the

angiogenic switch and upregulates a proangiogenic secretome.

Finally, tenascin-C is an important component of metastatic

vascular invasions by promoting endothelialization and cellular

plasticity thereby increasing lung metastasis.


Molecular Biology & Heart Congress 2018, Volume 29

DOI: 10.4066/biomedicalresearch-C8-023