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Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume 3
October 07-08, 2019 | Frankfurt, Germany
Materials Science and Engineering
International Conference on
Mater Sci Nanotechnol, Volume 3
A method for obtaining nano-sized structures in bulk materials with polymorphic
metallic matrixes
Igor Tkachenko
Priazovsky State Technical University, Ukraine
here are some methods to form nanostructures in metal-
based materials the common feature of which is their
applicability for obtaining only thin films or surface layers.
A novel method to provide nano-sized structures in bulk
alloys, composites, sintered and 3-D printed materials with
polymorphic metallic matrixes was proposed and applied to
industrial cast irons and alloy structural steels. The method
is based on optimal isothermal holding during cooling or
heating of a product unlimited form and size after or before
its austenitizing. Mathematical relations between the optimal
holding temperatures and durations providing targeted grain
sizes were derived. Over threefold increase in the impact
resistance for the cast irons and steels was reached. The
above performance improvements are accompanied by the
materials chemical and structural homogenizing. Necessity of
the phenomena revealed detail investigations is emphasized
and prospects of the method further employments are