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Virology Research Journal


Volume 2

Page 23







Global Summit on

Global Congress on

J u n e 2 5 - 2 6 , 2 0 1 8 | A m s t e r d a m , N e t h e r l a n d s

Joint Event on





Simon Raymond

Alumnus Melbourne University, Australia


his talk highlights that site attachment inhibition (therapeutics involving

the negation of cellular attachment, or entry/transfer, by the pathogen)

is intended to consist of both: Treatment of established infections; and new

generation immunization programs (preventative treatment). New generation

immunization programs, based on prenatal stem cell therapy in the prenatal

period and earlier spanning back to spermatogenesis and oogenesis, is

intended to involve gene mutagenesis and knockout. Validation for likely

success includes inherited mutations mentioned in the references noted that

provide resultant resistance (immunity) to the stated infections including HIV

andMalaria. Association and causation issues need to be dealt with given that

even the known CCR5 mutation has not been completely confirmed as direct/

causative of the resultant resistance/immunity. A discussion with regards to

prenatal and germline stem cell therapy, in addition to CRISPR and CRISPR-

Cas9 is presented in the below link to the USNIH library. It is not up to date with

“site attachment inhibition” therapeutics, however it does provide a general

discussion on the above stated topics broadly. In brief, using technologies

including those above would allow comparison between cells in which entry

of the pathogen is occurring to those in which entry of the pathogen is not

occurring (or, not able to) and through analysis of the genetics of the human

cellular biology used by the pathogen to gain cellular attachment (or, transfer

and entry), the genes to be targeted in mutagenesis and knockout can be

analysed. NB: The pathogen machinery also is to be analysed. In summary,

this presentation presents new content with regards to site attachment

inhibition therapeutics. Site attachment inhibition therapeutics is intended to

be applicable to all infections broadly. The next conference presentations will

cover issues surrounding antimicrobial resistance.

Simon Raymond is a Consultant who special-

ised in Medical and Scientific Research and an

Alumnus of Melbourne University (Rank of Num-

ber 1 in Australia and Number 33 in the World).

He has worked as a Reviewer for the respected

Medical Journal of Australia

, has received invita-

tions internationally to review from prestigious

medical journals including

Journal of American

Medical Association

network. He has received

award in recognition of his research by Royal

Australasian College of Surgeons (PSC, 2006)

and invited to conferences internationally as

an official Delegate and Researcher, including

that in USA and China. He has worked as the

Principle Researcher in the highest-powered

form of medical trial—Randomised Controlled

Trial (RCT). He is also a Member of the Gold-

en Key International Society for honoured and

outstanding academics and has been cited as a

notable global leader.


Simon Raymond, Virol Res J 2018, Volume 2