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Journal of Public Health Policy and Planning | Volume 3

April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland

Health Care and Neuroscience

International Conference on


Nose-to-Brain nerve growth factor delivery: A promising and safe strategy to

protect the CNS

Alberto de Bellis

Maria Rosaria Maglione Foundation onlus, Italy


erve growth factor (NGF) is the Founding

Member of the neurotrophins family of

proteins, known for playing a critical protective

role in the development and survival of

sympathetic, sensory and basal forebrain

cholinergic neurons in mammals, including

humans. NGF has a neuroprotective action in

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, as showed

by several studies in animal models and humans.

NGF can be delivered to the CNS via nasal route

and has a neuroprotective action in case of

neurodegenerative diseases and brain injury.

Furthermore, recent studies have shown an

active link between the nasal pathway and the

spinal cord in the delivery of NGF to the CNS,

thus demonstrating the neuroprotective ability

of NGF to support injured neurons in a mouse

model of spinal cord injury. Intranasal delivery

of NGF has so far been sufficiently investigated

in animal models and only recently in humans,

as demonstrated in a recent study on long-term

intranasal administration of NGF in two patients

affected by Frontotemporal Dementia associated

with corticobasal syndrome (FTD/CBS) and in

another study on intranasal administration of

NGF in a Brain Injury. These studies demonstrated

the neuroprotective role of NGF administered

nasally. Intranasal administration is the most

effective and non-invasive way to deliver NGF

to the CNS. These neuroprotective properties of

NGF make it a strong candidate for the future

treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and

other pathologies of CNS (brain injury, spinal cord

injury, ischemic damage) when administered via

nasal route. NGF would not be able to cure the

FTD/CBS but these observations support the

hypothesis that NGF slows down the usual decline

of the disease. However, these studies reinforce

the concept that neurotrophins are able to reach

and protect the CNS via nasal route and open

the way for new lines of research. Hence, these

findings suggest the ability of NGF to protect

CNS neurons when administered via nasal spray.

Speaker Biography

Alberto de Bellis is a Neurosurgeon and the Founder and Chairman

of Maria Rosaria Maglione Foundation onlus, non-profit organization

for Neuroscience based in Naples-Italy. The MRM Foundation runs in

honor of the founder’s mother, Maria Rosaria Maglione, who suffers

from Frontotemporal Dementia. The activity of the MRM foundation

is mainly aimed at research and health care for neurodegenerative

diseases, brain tumors and spinal cord injury and in support of

partner foundations operating in Kenya-Africa, such as the Gallmann

Memorial Foundation and the African Neurological Diseases Research

Foundation. The main research activities of the MRM foundation are

focused on the study of the Nerve Growth Factor and its possible

neurotherapeutic applications.
