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Journal of Public Health Policy and Planning | Volume 3

April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland

Health Care and Neuroscience

International Conference on

Games for patient engagement and empowerment in Neurological Rehab

Lucia Pannese


Antonio Ascolese

Imaginary srl, Italy



is a strong lack of adherence, with adverse

effect on patients’ condition leading clearly to a

poor quality of life, but also to increased socio-

economic burdens for the system. There is globally

a clear need for a solution that is scalable; practical

and non-intrusive for the patient; that operates

from a clinic, as well as remotely from the patient’s

residence (allowing for continuity in training,

reducing visits to the clinic and overall expense

to healthcare system and patient’s families); that

allows different specialists working with the same

patient to enter a “care network”; that monitors

motivation of the patient allowing for intelligent

adaptation of the treatment based on feedbacks;

provides supportive patient feedback to re-engage,

motivate and keep them involved etc. The question

in this context is how to motivate and empower

neurological patients to adhere to their therapy

and actively participate in a process instead of

suffering from it: we have a strong experience with

serious games and virtual tutoring approaches

that we will share in this interactive workshop.

Creating our REHABILITY system through the last

7 years, which addresses the above mentioned

issues, we conducted several research activities in

Europe and SE Asia; based on our findings as well

as on participants’ experiences, we will involve

attendees in activities and discussions to share

views and imagine how rehabilitation processes

need to change to support a behavioral change in

patients and what role games can have into virtual

tutoring. The workshop will welcome professionals

and stakeholders with different profiles, in order

to consider many different perspectives in our

discussion and the REHABILITY system will be

available during the workshop.

Speaker Biography

Lucia Pannese graduated in Applied Mathematics, has more than

20 years managing experience in innovation & research projects

with special focus on digital interactive technologies to deliver user

experiences. In Feb 2004 funding partner of imaginary, where she

covers the role of CEO and research director, she is heavily involved in

European research around enabling technologies, specifically Serious

Games, gamification and digital interactive technologies for learning,

training and behavioral change across several sectors, particularly

health & care and training. With numerous publications, she is often

involved in international conferences and organizing local as well as

international events.
