April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
Health Care and Neuroscience
International Conference on
Page 18
Journal of Public Health Policy and Planning | Volume 3
he main security issues to master cyberrisk
generated by the digitalisation of health systems
and artificial intelligence innovations will be
addressed in order to present some key factors of
success for optimising comfort, liability and safety for
e-heath actors.
Speaker Biography
Solange Ghernaouti, is director of the Swiss Cybersecurity Advisory and
Geneva Center for Security Policy. She is an internationally recognized
expert on digital risk management, cybersecurity, cyberdefence and
cybercrime related issues. Solange helds a Phd in Computer Science and
Telecommunication (Paris – Sorbonne University). She is a former auditor
of the French Institute of Advanced Studies in National Defence. She
has authored more than 300 publications and more than thirty books
including “Cyberpower: Crime, Conflict and Security in Cyberspace”
(translated in China). She is Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur, member
of the Swiss commission for UNESCO, Member of the Swiss Academy of
Engineering Sciences and has been recognised by the Swiss press as one
of the outstanding women in professional and academic circles. She is
president of the Foundation SGH (Social Good for Humanity) – Institut de
recherche Cybermonde, board member of The Global initiative against
transnational crime (Maison de la Paix, Genève).
sgh@unil.chSolange GhernaouƟ
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Cybersecurity for improved connected health