April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
Health Care and Neuroscience
International Conference on
Page 17
Journal of Public Health Policy and Planning | Volume 3
This App provides around 95% to 99% prediction
accuracy. A patient takes the meal photo before first-
bite of food and store it inside of this APP to get a
predicted PPG value instantly. If the predicted PPG
is too high, he/she can change, delete or vary the
quantity of certain meal portions in order to obtain
a reduced PPG value from the same meal. Using
“machine learning” technology, the system can
auto-learn and auto-correct carbs/sugar contents of
various food in order to customize for each different
patient. In summary, this APP has proven to reach to
99.57% PPG prediction accuracy based on a big food
bank with 4,474 meals and 8 million food nutrition
data. Quantity of post-meal exercise is also included
in this PPG prediction. T2D patients need to walk
1,000 to 4,000 steps within two hours after first-bite
of meal, depending on their diabetes severity. Once
patients’ weight, FPG, and PPG is under control, their
A1C and overall metabolic conditions will also be
improved significantly.
Public health personnel can easily use
these proven techniques and available AI technology
tool to educate and guide T2D patients to improve
their glucose control.
Speaker Biography
Gerald C Hsu received an honorable PhD in mathematics and majored in
engineering at MIT. He attended different universities over 17 years and
studied seven academic disciplines. He has spent 20,000 hours in T2D
research. First, he studied six metabolic diseases and food nutrition during
2010 to 2013, then conducted his own diabetes research during 2014 to
2018. His approach is “quantitative medicine” based on mathematics,
physics, optical and electronics physics, engineering modeling, signal
processing, computer science, big data analytics, statistics, machine
learning, and artificial intelligence. His main focus is on preventive medicine
using prediction tools. He believes that the better the prediction, the more
control you have.