April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
Health Care and Neuroscience
International Conference on
Page 40
Journal of Public Health Policy and Planning | Volume 3
This presentation will Define the role of CHW’s and
define social determinants of health, giving a context
of how CHWs can be effectively utilized to improve
care coordination and patient outcomes; Provide
examples of care plan tools that CHW’s utilize to
communicate with other members of their care
teams; Provide information useful to advocate for the
utilization of CHW’s to address social determinants of
health in their individual health care settings; Provide
information to help influence policy or legislation
surrounding CHW’s in their state or country.
Speaker Biography
Nichelle A Mullins has served as the President and Chief Executive Officer
of Charter Oak Health Center, Inc. (COHC) since 2015. COHC is a federally
qualified health center that was founded in 1978 and provides quality
comprehensive health care to the underserved population regardless
of their ability to pay. She is responsible for managing a $26 million
budget and overseeing all operations for the facility which serves over
19,000 patients annually in 10 licensed sites within the city of Hartford.
She was initially hired as the Chief of Compliance and Legal Affairs for
COHC. She has over 17 years of legal and teaching experience. She has a
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science/African and African American Studies
from the University of Michigan, a Master of Health Care Administration
from Walden University, and a Juris Doctor, cum laude, from Syracuse
University College of Law. She is an ordained minister and currently
serves as an appointed member of the State of Connecticut Citizens
Ethics Advisory Board and the Governor’s Healthcare Cabinet Committee.