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November 07-08, 2019 | Melbourne, Australia
Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
International Conference on
Journal of Research and Reports on Genetics | Volume 3
Potentials of human umbilical cord-derived cells in clinical application
Hasan Mahmud Reza
North South University, Bangladesh
xtensive studies of the human umbilical cord, both basic
a plethora of information. The cord lining harbors at least two
phenotypicallydifferentmultipotent stemcells-mesenchymal
stem cells (MSCs) and cord lining epithelial stem cells (CLECs).
These cells exhibit mixed genetic profiling of both embryonic
andadult stemcells, hencedisplaybroader stemfeatures than
cells from other sources. Importantly, umbilical cord-derived
cells are immunologically privileged, non-tumorigenic, and
ethically acceptable, thus provides a significant advantage
over other stem cells. The high proliferative capacity, viability,
differentiation potential and superior harvest of these
cells have made them better candidates in comparison to
contemporary adult stem cells. Following 30 replication
cycles, these cells have been observed to retain their
stemness, with their phenotype and karyotype intact. The
striking features of low immunogenicity protecting self along
with co-transplanted allografts from rejection largely define
the transplantation potential of umbilical cord-derived stem
cells. A good number of recent pre-clinical and clinical studies
have established the amazing prospects of cord-derived
stem cells in regenerative medicine. These cells have been
successfully applied to many chronic conditions, using animal
models, including type 1 diabetes, limbal stem cell deficiency,
burn injuries, and wound healing, etc. with encouraging
results. A substantial number of clinical trials using MSCs
and CLECs are currently in progress, results of these studies
are likely to delineate the potential use of these affordable
and allograftable stem cells in various clinical applications.
Speaker Biography
Hasan Mahmud Reza has a solid experience of research and teaching for
more than 22 years in reputed universities and institute in Bangladesh,
Japan and Singapore. He completed his B Pharm and M Pharm degrees
from the University of Dhaka. He is currently leading several research
teams dedicated to work on pharmaceutical dosage form development,
behavioral neuroscience, natural products and lifestyle diseases like
hypertension, in addition to stem cell research.
hasan.reza@northsouth.eduHasan Mahmud Reza
, J Res Rep Genet 2019, Volume 3
DOI: 10.35841/2591-7986-C1-002