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November 07-08, 2019 | Melbourne, Australia
Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
International Conference on
Journal of Research and Reports on Genetics | Volume 3
Significance of MicroRNA (miRNA) in prostate cancer hamstering by plant isolated
Saritha Surapaneni
R R College of Pharmacy, India
rostate cancer (PC) causes the highest mortality in men.
Early diagnosis of prostate cancer involves in radiotherapy
and many researchers have reported that MicroRNAs
regulates the apoptosis by involving androgen receptor
pathways. The gene expression can be controlled by the
small non-coding RNAs. MicroRNAs regulate gene expression
at the level of post-transcription involving innumerable
pathological and physiological changes containing cancer
cell invasion involves in progression and leads to metastasis
with therapeutic resistance. Most of the research reported
Isolated compounds to interact with most of the cellular
signaling cascade and the process of the transcription factor
repeatedly affecting the gene expression based on the in vitro
and in vivo studies. These interesting experiments performed
has reported MicroRNAs are the mediators in the regulation
of isolated components that show enumerated biological
effects. This review mainly focuses on the involvement of
MicroRNAs in cell metabolism which includes glycolysis,
glucose uptake and lipid metabolism by interactive with
lactate secretion forming cell signaling pathway.
Speaker Biography
Saritha Surapaneni has completed her Ph.D. from Rajiv Gandhi University
of health sciences Karnataka. Presently she is working as an Assistant
professor in the Pharmacology Department of R.R. College of Pharmacy.
She has published 7 papers and has participated recently in the 74th FIP
World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
sariarcher@gmail.comSaritha Surapaneni
, J Res Rep Genet 2019, Volume 3
DOI: 10.35841/2591-7986-C1-002