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November 07-08, 2019 | Melbourne, Australia
Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
International Conference on
Journal of Research and Reports on Genetics | Volume 3
Assessment of genetic diversity and inheritance studies for pre-harvest sprouting
resistance in soybean (
Glycine max
L. Merr.)
M K Sarma, A A Sharma, N Ramchiary, Sangeeta Baruah
P Bora
Assam Agricultural University, India
set of 43 diverse soybean genotypes consisting of
improved varieties, breeding lines and some indigenous
genotypes of North East India were subjected to analysis of
genetic diversity along with screening and inheritance study
of resistance to Pre-Harvest Sprouting (PHS).
Genetic diversity was studied based on eighteen morpho-
physiological attributes and 28 polymorphic SSR markers.
Variability parameters estimated for the eighteen traits
displayed significant variation for all the traits. Per cent seed
germination in pods (SGP) was considered as a measure of
PHS tolerance. Both genotypic (GCV= 293.6) and phenotypic
level (PCV= 45.08), the highest coefficient of variation was
exhibited by SGP followed by seed germination and pods per
plant. Character association studies revealed significant and
positive association of PHS with seed germination per cent
and number of branches. Highest positive direct effect on
PHS was observed for number of clusters followed by seed
germination (%) and pods per cluster.
D2 analysis followed by grouping of genotypes by Tocher’s
method resulted into grouping of the genotypes into seven
distinct clusters. Highest contribution to diversity was
exhibited by pod diameter (33%) followed by seed weight
(22%) and pod length (15%).
The set of genotypes were also subjected to analysis of
diversity with a set of 28 polymorphic Simple Sequence
Repeat (SSR) markers. A total of 190 scorable bands in the 43
genotypes were studied. The number of alleles per primer
varied from 2 to 12 with an average of 3.2 alleles per locus
and the percentage of polymorphism varied from 14.29%
to 100%. The PIC values ranged from 0.2688 (Sat_211) to
0.8562 (Sat_356) with an average of 0.6692. Most of the SSR
markers had PIC value greater than 0.3 and hence these can
be reported as the most informative markers. The diversity
detected by the markers were evaluated by parameters
Shanon -Weaver Diversity index and Gene Diversity.
Principal component analysis performed for the 43 soybean
genotypes using 190 alleles of the twenty-eight SSR markers
revealed clear diversity among the genotypes under study.
The pairwise genetic similarity ranged from 0.21 to 0.81.
Cluster analysis based on the SSR markers grouped 43
genotypes into eleven diverse clusters at 35% similarity level.
Pre-harvest sprouting is a major setback to soybean
production under high rainfall condition of the North East
Part of the country including Assam. This causes major yield
loss to the crop and results in the degradation of seed quality.
Inorder to expand soy cultivation in this nonconventional
part of the country, it is very important to study the genetics
and inheritance pattern of PHS. In the present investigation,
soybean genotypes under study were screened for incidence
of Pre-Harvest Sprouting (PHS) and scored on a scale of 0-9.
Twenty-two entries showed significant susceptibility to PHS
while the rest 21 entries were resistant to PHS sprouting
under the same environmental conditions. This study
revealed the presence of resistance to PHS paving the way for
an attempt to study the inheritance pattern of PHS resistance
in soybean. Nine cross combinations between highly resistant
and susceptible exhibited complete resistance in F1 with
score zero (0). The F2 populations exhibited segregation for
PHS resistance in a definite 3 (Resistance): 1(Susceptible) ratio
which was confirmed by Chi-square (χ 2) test. This confirmed
that the resistance to PHS was governed by a single dominant
Speaker Biography
MK Sarma is the Plant Breeding and Genetics Coordinator of the Advanced
Level Biotech Hub, and also the Professor in the Assam Agricultural
University. He has been performing research in the field of Plant Breeding
Genetics and Genomics Laboratory, Chungnam National University, South
Korea. He has published 65 Research Papers and 10 Chapters.
mksbnca@gmail.comM K Sarma et al.
, J Res Rep Genet 2019, Volume 3
DOI: 10.35841/2591-7986-C1-002