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Journal of Research and Reports on Genetics | Volume 3
November 07-08, 2019 | Melbourne, Australia
Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
International Conference on
on drug discovery, validation of traditional healing practices,
micropropagationof commercial species andbiotechnological
studies including genomics, metabolomics & phenomics
of medicinal plant. Although, a number of phytochemicals
are known worldwide for their use as potential drugs for
the treatment of various diseases including cancer, these
traditional treasures of medicinal plants are yet to gain
the attention of scientific community. They are not only
considered as valuable economic resources to the country of
India but also as the source of discovery of new drugs and
treatments for the ailment of the entire human community
of the globe.
Here we would like to draw attention from the scientific
community for intensive investigation of the therapeutic
properties of the traditionally known species, their bio
molecular characterization and screening of specific
therapeutically important compounds based on biomolecular
tools as well as attempt for conservation
Speaker Biography
MK Sarma is the Plant Breeding and Genetics Coordinator of the Advanced
Level Biotech Hub, and also the Professor in the Assam Agricultural
University. He has been performing research in the field of Plant breeding
and Genetics for 23 years. Hewas also the visiting scientist to theMolecular
Genetics and Genomics Laboratory, Chungnam National University, South
Korea. He has published 65 Research Papers and 10 Chapters.