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March 07-09, 2019 | London, UK
International Conference on
International Conference on
Food Safety and Hygiene
Nutrition, Food Science and Technology
Joint Event
Journal of Food Technology and Preservation | Volume 3
Breast milk donation in the Muslim population: Why it is possible?
Virginie Rigourd
Human Milk Bank, France
Some mothers have negative ideas about human
milk donation, especially in the muslim population because of
the « milk brother-sister » concept, whereas they are often in
need of human milk.
Main issue:
Mrs. Y delivered at a VLBW infant of 500g after 26
weeks of amenorrhea. She was able to collect 200mL of milk
per day at day 4, 500ml/day at day 7, and then up to 1.5L/
day. At the end of her hospitalization, the milk bank asked her
if she was willing to donate her milk. Mrs. Y at first refused
to offer her milk for donation because of the « milk brother-
sister » concept. After discussion, our teammanaged to convict
Mrs. Y to donate the179 Liters of milk not used by her baby.
We addressed the two questions, as a muslim:
-am I allowed to donate my own milk?
-can my infant receive donated milk?
We i) performed a literature review of all the points of view of
the religion concerning human milk donation, ii) sought the
expertise of religious figures, iii) we examined biological and
genetically data.
These various aspects: religious, cultural, biological,
and epigenetic all support the possibility of muslim mothers
to donate their own milk to milk banks and their children to
receive donated milk. Milk banks should be created in muslim
countries to promote the health of pre-term infants.
Speaker Biography
Virginie Rigourd is the managing director of the Human Milk Bank of Ile de France. She
has graduated from the Medicine University in Paris, France in 1998 and finished post
graduate training in 2003 from the same university on intra uterin growth retardation
topics. She worked as paediatrician ahead of Ile de France Milk Bank, Paris, France
and neonatalogiste in NICU at Necker Hospital, Paris, France. Member of the French
Milk Bank Association and European Milk Bank Association. Since 2002 she worked as
a national consultant, providing assessments of human milk security and on projects
on human milk quality. Dr. Rigourd has carried out few researches on medication and
breast feeding. During her work she has gained local and national recognition for
her different advice on breast feeding and on practice around human milk in NICIU.
virginie.rigourd@nck.aphp.frVirginie Rigourd
, J Food Technol Pres, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-796X-C1-005