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March 07-09, 2019 | London, UK



International Conference on



International Conference on

Food Safety and Hygiene

Nutrition, Food Science and Technology

Joint Event


Journal of Food Technology and Preservation | Volume 3

Food, Diet and Nutrition for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers

Caroline King

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, UK


regnancy is a time of massive growth for the fetus.

Empirically calculated nutritional requirements are far larger

than actual observed intakes of pregnant women. Nutritional

recommendations will be discussed and the mechanisms

whereby a pregnant women’s body adapts to allow optimal

accretion of nutrients by the fetus.

After delivery breast milk is a continuation of the immunological

protection amother confers on her baby via the placenta during

pregnancy. Breast milk is manufactured by a woman from her

nutritional stores however homeostatic mechanisms ensure a

highly consistent nutritional profile independent of her diet.

The lipid content varies more frequently being dependent on

the degree of emptying of the breast. That of some water-

soluble vitamins also varies but that depends more onmaternal

intake. The role of alcohol, caffeine and some medications in a

lactating mother’s diet will also be discussed

Speaker Biography

Caroline King is a pediatric dietitian and neonatal specialist at Imperial College

Healthcare NHS Trust at London, UK.


Cariline King

, J Food Technol Pres, Volume 3

DOI: 10.4066/2591-796X-C1-005