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Journal of Clinical and Experimental Toxicology | Volume: 3

February 21-22, 2019 | Paris, France

International Conference on

Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology

Safety and efficacy of current emerging systemic therapies in Melanoma associated Tumours

Mihai-Andrei Iordache

University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania


elanoma tumours dissemination is the most frequent

complication of skin cancer. New advances of

technologies provide new tools for understanding and limit

dissemination of malignant cells, but only limited studies was

focused on brainmetastases. One of themajor obstacle in brain

tumor prevention associated with malign melanoma is the

genetic heterogenity of the malignant cell. These cells display a

key molecular supportive changes and targeting these changes

we can develop safe and efficient strategies. In this study

summarize the safety and efficacy of current emerging systemic

therapies, especially targeted therapies and immunotherapies,

for the treatment of central nervous system tumors, focusing on

melanoma. The aim is to create a complete image regarding the

therapeutic options available in order to imlement personalized

treatment for these patients.

Speaker Biography

Mihai-Andrei Iordache was born on November 19, 1944. He received the M.S. and

Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Politehnica University of Bucharest,

Romania, in 1967 and 1977, respectively. From 1993 he is a Full Professor in the

Electrical Department, Politehnica University of Bucharest, where he is working

in the Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, Circuit Theory – methods, computing

techniques, algorithms, optimization techniques, parameter estimations, and software

tools for analysis and simulation, Graph Theory, Wireless Power Transfer Systems, and

Topological Analysis. He is the author or coauthor of more than 300 journal papers

(two of them published in Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, and in

International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos) and 30 books and monographs. From

1997 he is Doctoral Advisor at the Politehnica University of Bucharest. He was the

recipient of the 2000 Romanian Academy Award and of the 2004 Romania Engineering

Association. He is an IEEE member.


Mihai-Andrei Iordache, J Clin Exp Tox, Volume 3

DOI: 10.4066/2630-4570-C1-006