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Journal of Clinical and Experimental Toxicology | Volume: 3

February 21-22, 2019 | Paris, France

International Conference on

Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology

Metabolomics: A novel tool of Precision Medicine

Dimitris Tsoukalas

President of the European Institute of Nutritional Medicine, Greece


ramatic changes of the environment in the last decades have

resulted in nutrient poor food and excessive intake of heavy

metals and toxins through air, drinking water and dietary habits.

Non-communicable diseases (NCD) which are responsible for

almost 70%of global deaths aremainly caused bymodifiable risk

factors. These include behavioral and metabolic risk factors such

as unhealthy diet, tobacco smoke and alcohol. Epigenetic factors


integrates the individual variability in genes, environment, and

lifestyle of each person for the prevention and treatment of

disease. Metabolomics, the quantitative and comprehensive

evaluation of metabolites, has emerged as a novel and powerful

tool in precision medicine. As one of the “omics” technologies,

metabolomics has attracted increasing attention for its potency

in identifying unique biomarkers. Metabolites provide a detailed

overview of cellular function. Analysis of metabolites gives a

precise data of nutritional deficiencies, metabolic imbalances,

environmental toxins, microbiome condition, and uncovers

underlying genetic predispositions that can be modified through

diet, lifestyle, supplements ormedications. Gas chromatography/

Mass spectrometry methodology has allowed the detection of

low quantity molecules in minimum amount of biofluid samples.

Critical signs of systemic dysfunction at the molecular level are

revealed years before clinical symptoms appear. Thus, through

the assessment of the overall health status, early detection of a

disease and intervention to restore these deficiencies is feasible.


J Clin Exp Tox, Volume 3

DOI: 10.4066/2630-4570-C1-006