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J Pharmacol Ther Res 2017 Volume 1 Issue 2

November 02-03, 2017 Chicago, USA



International Congress on

International Conference and Exhibition on

Drug Discovery, Designing and Development

Biochemistry, Molecular Biology: R&D


Strategies for pathology-activated generation of reelin trafficking modulators for altering late-onset

Alzheimer’s disease progression

Ronald A Hill


Amal K Kaddoumi

University of Louisiana, USA


ompelling evidence continues to accrue that late-onset

(non-familial) Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD), arising early

in olfactory structures of the brain, progresses in a spatio-

temporally consistent pattern via propogating “inflammaging”

processes; predisposing susceptibility may be established

as early as gestationally. Genome-wide association studies

(GWASs) of cognitively uncompromised individuals who exhibit

apparent high pathology suggest that select combinations of

genetic attributes can confer resistance to cognitive decline;

and, although certain specifics of pathological signatures

differ from those in cognitively deteriorating individuals,

these might reflect successful defense against an otherwise

pathological chain of events. A central player emerging from

these GWASs is reelin, a large glycoprotein component of the

extracellular matrix (ECM). Though historically regarded mostly

as a key player in embryo-fetal development reelin exhibits

functional interplay in the adult brain with other molecular

constituents having clearly established associations with

LOAD, such as apolipoprotein E, and with the responsiveness

states of inflammaging-associated cells, notably microglia. The

complexities and relative paucity of knowledge regarding ECM

maintenance, remodeling, and functional dynamics, and the

analytical challenges involved in achieving increased clarity,

means that gaining therapeutically actionable traction will be

difficult; however, the tantalizing thought that GWASs of these

individuals may be showing us ways forward motivates rising to

these challenges. Reelin possessesmultiple functional domains,

and certain reelin fragments exhibit trafficking and function

disparate from intact glycoprotein. Very recently, ADAMTS-3

was identified as the catalyst of a proteolytic cleavage of reelin

shown to be inactivating in terms of reelin’s canonical activities.

Because of reelin remains heavily involved during adulthood

in dynamic brain maintenance and remodeling, deleterious

consequences can be expected from anatomically untargeted

alterations in reelin function. Potential strategies for pathology-

activated, localized generation of suitable modulators will thus

beneeded, andprogresswith respect todevising such strategies

will be shared in this presentation.

Speaker Biography

Ronald A Hill is now spanning almost 35 years, over a pharmaceutical sciences career.

He has aimed to become a generalist with high-level acumen in relating the Chemistry

of biologically active molecules to their interactions with, and actions on, humans

and their hosted organisms (normal microbiome, microbial pathogens, parasites).

The central focus of his own research has always related to the CNS, guided also by

the aim of constantly gaining acumen in molecular therapeutics design, molecular

biopharmaceutics, and molecular toxicology and in general, the science of successfully

bridging discovery at its earliest stages to clinical application. His educating duties at

the PhD and PharmD levels are extensive, and carried out with the underlying hope

that the molecular science and molecular design will be intelligently and artfully acted

on in clinical practice. His current research collaborations center on neurodegenerative

conditions and cancer.
