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August 16-17, 2018 | Copenhagen, Denmark
Dementia and Alzheimer ’s Disease
World congress on
Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume: 3
Alzheimer disease research in the 21st century: the shift towards a new paradigm
Francesca Pistollato
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, USA
nimal models of Alzheimer disease (AD) have been
extensively utilized in the last few decades in an
effort to elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms
of this disease and to test novel therapeutic approaches.
However, research success has not effectively translated into
therapeutic success for human patients. We investigated
the reasons for this translational discrepancy. Our analysis
revealed that translational failure is due – at least in part
– to the overuse of animal models that cannot accurately
recapitulate human AD etiopathogenesis or drug responses
and the inadequate use of human-based investigational
methods. Here we present the challenges and opportunities
in AD research and propose how we can mitigate this
translational barrier by employing human-based methods
to elucidate disease processes occurring at multiple levels
of complexity (from gene expression to protein, cellular,
tissue/organ to individual and population level). Novel
human-based cellular and computational models are
already being applied in toxicology and regulatory testing,
and the adoption and the widespread implementation
of such tools in AD research will undoubtedly facilitate
human-relevant data acquisition. Additionally, clinical
studies focused on nutritional and lifestyle intervention
strategies to reduce and/or prevent early symptoms of AD
represent another relevant and important way to elucidate
AD pathogenesis and treatment options in a human-based
setting. Taken together, it is clear that a paradigm shift
towards human-based research is the best way to tackle
the ever-increasing prevalence of AD in the 21st century.