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August 16-17, 2018 | Copenhagen, Denmark
Dementia and Alzheimer ’s Disease
World congress on
Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume: 3
Efficacy and safety of MMFS-01, a synapse density enhancer, for reversing age-related cognitive decline:
a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Barbara C Fisher
United Psychological Services, USA
europsychological evaluation identifies neurocognitive
deficits to aid in the diagnosis of the specific type of
dementia that carries a different intervention and/or treatment
plan. Predominantly frontal (executive reasoning) deficits
will tend to be more suggestive of frontal lobe dementia or
disease; frontal and temporal deficits (memory and the impact
of executive reasoning deficits) of cardiovascular disease;
visual perceptual, executive reasoning deficits and psychiatric
signs of Lewy body dementia; while rather clear signs of highly
impaired memory (for retrieval and recognition) as well as
visual spatial issues will tend to reflect the true Alzheimer’s
dementia. Cognitive decline associated with neurological
diseases depends upon the brain areas affected; for example,
Multiple Sclerosis (impacts memory and attention, processing
information quickly and efficiently) Parkinson’s disease
(executive reasoning, as well as attention and memory) while
Huntington’s has a predilection for executive reasoning deficits
and motoric response. rnUse of neuropsychological evaluation
and diagnosing the specific deficit areas has allowed us to
develop a very specific cognitive training regimen which has
shown positive findings when comparing testing prior to and
following treatment intervention. Specificity of the cognitive
training has been a primary variable for improved functioning
following treatment. At our facility all of the brain enhancing
activities have been systematically studied and labeled for the
effect they are expected to have in remediating brain function;
memory (short and long term, retrieval and recognition, visual
and verbal) executive reasoning processes (selective attention,
integration, perseveration, sequential analysis, cognitive
flexibility) language (word retrieval) and visual perceptual.
The key to the most effective and efficacious outcome in our
research has been early diagnosis and treatment. rnWe are on
an outreach effort for neurocognitive evaluation of individuals
with any type of illness (physical or psychiatric) in their sixties
and everyone in their seventies. Outreach is currently ongoing
to theprimary carephysician toquery aboutmemory difficulties
and executive reasoning symptoms. In the USA, dementia
is known as one of the most expensive medical conditions;
costs are currently in the billions and projected to the trillions
for the future. rnThe answer is early diagnosis and education
of the general population of the increased risk of dementia
when there is avoidance of memory problems. Fear and
avoidance of dementia is enormous and pervasive; affecting
the caregiver, spouse, as well as the children. Waiting until a
basic dementia assessment or mini-mental status is failed or for
the problem to be exacerbated and outwardly obvious, results
in more severe diagnosis and complications. Our research
and work with the aging population over the last ten years
reveals the benefit of early diagnosis and the intervention
of cognitive training/rehabilitation upon brain function in
helping to remediate the effects of dementia. Case studies
will be provided to illustrate the significant neurocognitive
changes that occurred from cognitive rehabilitation which
transferred to improved emotional and daily living skills.