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August 16-17, 2018 | Copenhagen, Denmark
Dementia and Alzheimer ’s Disease
World congress on
Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume: 3
Exploring the kaleiodoscopic oasis of epigenetics-based diet, brain games and physical exercises in
cognitive aging and Alzheimer dementia: Evidence, promises and challenges
Simon Chiu
University Western Ontario, Canada
Recently, increased interest has been expressed
in developing diverse strategies to optimize cognitive aging
and to modify the onset and course of Alzheimer’s dementia
(AD). Th e interaction of Gene and Environment inmodulating
cognitive decline is best understood within the framework of
Epigenetics. Epigenetics refers to heritable changes in gene
expression and remodeling of chromatins and dependent
of alterations in DNA sequence, and comprise of three
key components; DNA methylation, histone modifi cations
(acetylation and deacetylation) and non-coding microRNA.
Epigenetics targets play major role in reprogramming of
neural networks and neural repair. Epigenetics can turn
genes “On” and “Off ” depending upon the milieu. There
is emerging evidence supports the model of dysregulation
in epigenomics in age-related cognitive decline and AD. A
large number of studies have shown that nutrition factors:
diets, dietary and herbal supplements, functional foods,
are capable of regulating the epigenetic states and targets
in reversing abnormal gene activation or silencing. Physical
exercises and e-delivered brain games likewise can change
various domains in aging and in AD through the epigenetics
signatures. We review the translational and clinical evidence
in support of the benefi cial eff ects of dietary phytochemicals
from diverse dietary sources; grapes, chocolates, green and
black coff ee, soya beans and fava beans, curry extract,
peanuts, garlic and ginger and seafood products have
positive impact on epigenomics in facilitating translational
and transcriptional events involved in memory, attention
and executive functions. The findings from the studies on
DASH and Mediterranean diets reinforce the relevance of
epigenetic diet menu, along with the proposed Epigenetics
diet for cognitive aging platform. We will also discuss the
multi-faceted actions of herbal supplements: Panax Ginseng
and Curcumin from Curry extract, and Zembrin extract from
South African plant Sceletiumtortuosum. and diet menu
in enhancing vascularneuronal coupling and to reduce
metabolic and vascular risks in aging. Epigenetics targets
are also sensitive to environmental stimuli and processing.
Hence physical exercises and e-delivered cognitive challenge
tasks like puzzles, video games. The evidence is mounting
in terms of the putative positive eff ects in reprogramming
neural circuitry for cognition and reactivating neurogenesis
in the hippocampus. We conclude that epigenomics-driven
lifestyle measures and diet interventionsare promising in
cognitive aging on the progression of AD. We anticipate in
the near future we will have epigenetics-based dietary and
exercise and e-stimulation can prevent AD and optimize
cognitive aging and will be translated intoevidence-based
practice guidelines forgeriatric care. We believe that
biotechnology caneventuallytransform bioactive factors to
CNS drug candidates for AD treatment and prevention.
At conclusion of this session, the participant
should be able to understand how cognition can be regulated
through dietary interventions targeting Epigenomics in
aging & Alzheimer dementia (AD). To evaluate the benefi
t-to-risk ratio and evidence of clinical cognitive studies of
specialized diets, dietary supplements and functional foods
in preventing cognitive decline in aging and in AD. To gain
insights into the benefi ts of aerobic exercise and e-delivered
video games in reprogramming gene expression and neural
circuits involved in cognitive aging and in modifying the
course of AD. To identify fi scal and systemic issues involved
in translating new research fi ndings on brain foods, exercise
and e-delivered brain exercise to evidence-based practice
in geriatric are to understand how epigenomics may shed
light on the link of nutrition, cognition and AD and has the
potential to transformbioactive phytochemicals to promising
drugs for treating and preventing AD.