Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutic Research
Volume 1 Issue 1
Clinical Pharmacy 2017
Page 18
December 07-09, 2017 | Rome, Italy
World Congress on
Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice
How do clinical pharmacists keep up-to-date
with newly approved medications? Update on
newly approved medications from the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United
Golden L Peters
Saint. Louis College of Pharmacy, USA
n 2016, 22 new medications were approved by the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States and
there have been 31 new medications approved in 2017,
thus far. The presentation will highlight each medications
indication, specific mechanism of action, dosing
information, contraindications, precautions, adverse
drug reactions, drug interactions, special administration
techniques (when needed), and potential place in current
therapy. The presentation will also highlight any special
patient instruction or monitoring parameters for providers
to consider when prescribing these new medications. (e.g.
injection techniques, priming requirements). The focus of
this presentation will be to introduce new molecular entities
to all attendees from around to world to help shed light
on the ever growing and rapidly changing healthcare field.
Reinforcing that we are all a part of the global community,
despite our physical geographic location.
Golden L Peters has received his BA degree from Fontbonne University in
Clayton, Missouri, USA and his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Southern
Illinois University Edwardsville in 2009. He has completed a PGY-1 Pharmacy
Practice Residency in 2010 at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in affiliation with Southern
Illinois University Edwardsville School of Pharmacy. He is currently an Associate
Professor of Pharmacy Practice at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy. He is also
a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in Primary Care at the VA St. Louis Health Care
System, John Cochran Division. He is an Editorial Board Member for Madridge
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. He has over 25 publications and more
than 20 invited international presentations, spanning North America, Europe,
Africa, and Asia
Golden.Peters@stlcop.eduGolden L Peters, J Pharmacol Ther Res 2017