Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutic Research
Volume 1 Issue 1
Clinical Pharmacy 2017
Page 20
December 07-09, 2017 | Rome, Italy
World Congress on
Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice
Deprescribing: Knowing when to stop
Patrick Viet-Quoc Nguyen
University Hospital of Montreal, CHUM, Canada
CHUM Research Center, Canada
Quebec Network for Research on Aging, Canada
rug therapy is part of the treatment of most illnesses.
Medication has great potential benefits reducing
symptoms, disease progression, mortality and morbidity.
The use of medication also increases the risk of harm
through adverse reactions. Over time, people with
chronic diseases and elderly people are prescribed a
large number of drugs leading to polypharmacy. This
may lead to an increase in drug adverse reactions due to
additive effects and drug interactions. Pharmacodynamic
and pharmacokinetic parameters may also influence
adverse reactions. On the other hand, under prescription
can cause patients to miss out on the potential benefits
of useful medication. Deprescribing is an attempt to
balance potential for benefits and harm by systematically
withdrawing inappropriate medications with the goal of
managing polypharmacy and improving outcome. Many
barriers exist to deprescribing. It may come from the patient,
his family and caregivers, healthcare professionals and
physicians. The pharmacist has a central in deprescribing.
He can raise the patient’s and prescriber’s awareness to
polypharmacy, prescribing cascades, therapeutic duplicate,
iatrogenic disease and inappropriate medications. He can
recommend modification to drug to improve drug safety,
compliance and reducing costs. This can be done while
maintaining drug therapy efficacy in achieving therapeutic
Patrick Viet-Quoc Nguyen has graduated with a Pharmacy Baccalaureate
degree and a Master in advance Pharmacotherapy at the Montreal University
pharmacy faculty in Canada in 2003 and 2012 respectively. He has obtained an
executive MBA from the Fundesem Business School in Spain in 2008. Since
2013, he is a hospital Pharmacist specialized in the geriatrics and emergency
field at the Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montreal (CHUM). He is a
Researcher at the CHUM research centre. Since 2016, he is a Member of
the Quebec network for research on aging. He has over 10 publications and
teaches at the Montreal University.
patrick.nguyen@sympatico.caPatrick Viet-Quoc Nguyen, J Pharmacol Ther Res 2017