Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutic Research
Volume 1 Issue 1
Clinical Pharmacy 2017
Page 21
December 07-09, 2017 | Rome, Italy
World Congress on
Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice
Double-blind clinical study of the therapeutic
effects of pomegranate juice powder on renal
damage in diabetic nephropathy
Elnaz Faridi, Amirreza Dehghanian, Mehrdad Vosoughi, Jamshid
Pouya Faridi
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran
large proportion of patients with type 2 diabetes
mellitus have diabetic nephropathy. Despite current
therapies, diabetic nephropathy progresses to end-stage
renal disease in most of these patients.Therefore, it’s vital
to find new treatments for such patients. Oxidative stress
could eventually cause inflammation, malnutrition and
also activation of Transcription Nuclear Factor B leads to
increment of the Production of Inflammatory Cytokines
in diabetic nephropathy patients. Phenolic and flavonoid
compounds which exist in pomegranate juice reduce
oxidative stress and also inflammatory markers. This study
was a double-blind, parallel clinical trial on 40 patients,
20 to 75 years of age. In this project, all patient's urine
microalbumin and protein urine 24-hours were higher than
normal and they were receiving a fixed dose of either or both
ACEI or ARB at least 3 months. Patients with underlying
diseases such as cancer, as well as being on dialysis were
excluded. At baseline some metabolic factors and also
Urine microalbumin and Urine proteine 24-houres recorded
for subjects. In addition to their previous therapy, patients
were received 120 placebo capsules or capsule containing
pomegranate juice powder for a month. Volunteers were
visited monthly and in case there was no problem they
received capsules again for another 4
weeks.Atthe end of
8 weeks testing and initial evaluation were repeated and
the changes were investigated.
In general, pomegranate juice powder had no effect
on the surface of metabolic factors, However about two
important indicator of diabetic nephropathy disease,urine
microalbumin and urine protein 24-hours, reduced levels
was detected.
Elnaz Faridi is a Pharmacist and he completed his education in Shiraz
University of Medical Science. (Shiraz, Iran ). And Working in Omidvar Hospital
Drug store, Ewaz, Fars, for 14 months. He Participated in some congress in
Iran and also in PSE congress in Murcia, Spain, in 2015 and got the award for
poster presentation.
elnaz_f11@yahoo.comElnaz Faridi et al., J Pharmacol Ther Res 2017