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Session Introduction
Inter-professional team approach to geriatric care
Janice Hoffman,
Western University of Health Sciences, USA
Understanding the pharmacology and toxicology properties of transdermal Buprenorphine and Fentanyl
to ensure the safety and efficacy of drugs use
Christina Yuen Ki Leung,
The University of Hong Kong – Shenzhen Hospital, China
A clinical audit of sterile medical devices: A French experience of quality and safety improvement in
hospital services
Valeria Vinciguerra,
Gradenigo Hospital, Italy
How do clinical pharmacists keep up-to-date with newly approved medications? Update on newly
approved medications from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States
Golden L. Peters,
Saint. Louis College of Pharmacy, USA
Effect of low-dose oral acetylcysteine on cisplatin-induced mitochondrial oxidative stress in patients with
head and neck cancer
Patricia Moriel,
University of Campinas, Brazil
Deprescribing: Knowing when to stop
Patrick Viet-Quoc Nguyen,
University Hospital of Montreal, Canada
Medication Management of Chronic Pain – A comparison of two care delivery models: Pharmacist +
Physician team compared to a solely physician model
Marlene Slipp,
Central Alberta Pain & Research Institute (CAPRI), Canada
Double-blind clinical study of the therapeutic effects of pomegranate juice powder on renal damage in
diabetic nephropathy
Elnaz Faridi,
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Chinese centralized intravenous admixture service (CIVAS): An emerging pharmaceutical industry-survey
of the recent advances of CIVAS in China
Xianghong Liu,
Shandong University, China
Clinical Pharmacy: Activities and Prescriptions |
Clinical Pharmacology | Biopharmaceutics
Session Chair
Golden L Peters
Saint. Louis College of Pharmacy, USA
Day 1 December 07, 2017