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Current Pediatric Research| Volume: 22
November 28-29, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
World Congress on
Pediatrics, Clinical Pediatrics and Nutrition
International Conference on
Nursing Practice
Joint Event
Lower limb spasticity control in Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy
Khaled A Olama
Cairo University, Egypt
he present study was conducted to determine the effect of
electromyographic feedback stimulation and co-ordination
dynamic therapy, in addition to a designed physical therapy
program, on controlling lower limb spasticity in hemiplegic
cerebral palsy.
Thirty hemiplegic cerebral palsied children (9 right
side and 21 left side) ranging in age from six to eight years
represented the sample of this study. They were selected
from the out-patient clinic of the Faculty of Physical Therapy,
Cairo University. The degree of spasticity ranged from mild to
moderate grades according to themodifiedAshworth scale. The
lower limb was free from any structural deformities. Children
were divided randomly into two groups of equal number A
(control) and B (study).
Five blind evaluation to determine H/M ratio
and anterior tibial muscle strength (ATMS) was conducted
for each child of the two groups, before and after three
months of treatment. Group A (control) received a specially
designed exercise program, while group B (study) received
electromyographic feedback stimulation, followed by co-
ordination dynamic therapy, in addition to the exercise program
given to group A.
The results revealed, no significant differences when
comparing the pre-treatment mean values of the two groups.
Significant improvement was observed in all the measuring
variables of the two groups (A and B), when comparing their
pre and post-treatment mean values. Significant improvement
was also observed when comparing the post-treatment results
of the two groups in favor of group B.
Conclusion and Discussion:
Improvement of H/M ratio
and ATMS may be attributed to the combined effects of
electromyographic feedback stimulation and co-ordination
dynamic therapy, in addition to the designed exercise program,
in controlling spasticity of the affected lower limb and so,
improving its functional activities.
Speaker Biography
Khaled A Olama working in the of Department of Physical Therapy for Growth and
Development mainly dealing with the Rehabilitation Medicine, Sports Medicine,
Neurology, Egypt. He is expertised in Neurorehabilitation, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation
Medicine, Sports Medicine, and Neurology. He has 6 peer reviewed publications.
k_olama@hotmail.comKhaled A Olama, Pediatrics and Clinical Pediatrics 2018
& Nursing Practice 2018, Volume 22
DOI: 10.4066/0971-9032-C2-005