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Current Pediatric Research| Volume: 22
November 28-29, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
World Congress on
Pediatrics, Clinical Pediatrics and Nutrition
International Conference on
Nursing Practice
Joint Event
Patient safety as a focus for Nursing curricula
Vicki Cope
Murdoch University, Australia
ngoing education in patient safety and risk is crucial within
nursing curricula as improving patient safety is a global
concern. Yet few formal education programs exist for students
to study health caremanagement with a focus on safety, quality
and risk. This presentation asserts that nursing curricula should
will concern leadership, management, critical reflection,
bioethics, research and more. This presentation highlights the
tensions between a ‘no blame’ culture concerning the human
factors within healthcare, and the need for the underpinning of
patient safety at the forefront of nursing education due to the
complex contexts and dynamism of contemporary health care.
Speaker Biography
Vicki Cope, RN, RM, BA, GDip(Ed), GDip (Nsg), MHSc (Nsg), PhD, FRCNA, FACN, has over 30
years’ experience in healthcare with qualifications in education, nursing and midwifery as
professional health leadership, patient safety, nursing management and professionalism.
Currently leading post-graduate nursing programs within the School of Health Professions
at Murdoch University, in Western Australia and at the Murdoch University Dubai campus.
Associate Professor Cope actively encourages and supports students with their research
journey inclusive of mentoring students with report writing and writing for publication.
v.cope@murdoch.edu.auVicki Cope, Pediatrics and Clinical Pediatrics 2018
& Nursing Practice 2018, Volume 22
DOI: 10.4066/0971-9032-C2-005