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Current Pediatric Research| Volume: 22
November 28-29, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
World Congress on
Pediatrics, Clinical Pediatrics and Nutrition
International Conference on
Nursing Practice
Joint Event
Perceived effective psychological well-being and social support of mothers with disabled children
(Indigenous Approach)
Jena N
Khuntia P K
Ravenshaw University, India
he aim of the study is to find the relationship between
psychological well-being and social support of mothers
having children with disabilities. This study comprised of 112
mothers with disabled children. General health questionnaire -
12 andmulti-dimensional social support scale were used on the
sample which was selected by purposive sampling technique.
The results indicate that psychological well-being and social
support are inversely co-related. Chi-square values shows
significant difference among mother’s psychological wellbeing
and social support in relation to education of mothers, per-
capita income of the family and education of the child. The ‘t’
test shows significant difference among mother’s psychological
wellbeing and social support. The study depicts that
psychological wellbeing of mothers might be low irrespective of
the fact that their perceived social support is high. Mothers can
be trained to utilize this perceived social support to enhance
their overall wellbeing through counselling and yoga therapy.
Yoga therapy aims at bringing about a high level of awareness
inside a person that makes her to understand the roots of
stress and ensure bliss and happiness for all times to come.
Speaker Biography
Jena N has completed her M. Phil at the age of 22 and PhD at the age of 30 from Utkal
University, Odisha, India with getting UGC research fellowship. She was the Director of
higher education, Govt. of Odisha, India. Presently she is working as a visiting professor at
Ravenshaw University, Cuttack and State Advisor at Higher Education department, Govt. of
Odisha, India. She has over 100 publications that have been sited over 50 times and she
has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of different journals and book chapters.
: drnjena@gmail.comJena N et al., Pediatrics and Clinical Pediatrics 2018
& Nursing Practice 2018, Volume 22
DOI: 10.4066/0971-9032-C2-005