Chromatography 2018 & Satellite 2018
Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS | Space Explorations | Satellite Navigation and Communication
| Earth Science | Separation Technique in Chromatography | High Performance Liquid
Monitoring program in reservoirs of the tercero river basin. Córdoba, Argentina
Maria Claudia Rodriguez,
Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina
Chemical measurements of NIM on JUICE, ESA mission to jupiter satellites (2028)
Marek Tulej,
University Bern, Switzerland
Applications of ICP-MS hyphenated to HPLC on biological samples for PK studies
Silvestro L
, 3S-Pharmacol. Cons. & Res. GmbH, Germany
Liquid-Liquid Partition Chromatograph: An efficient solid support less
chromatographic technique for the separation of bioactive phytomolecules
Anupam Maurya,
Ministry of AYUSH, India
Moon-based planetary defense campaign
Thomas D Miyano,
Draconis Aerospace Limited Liability Company, USA
Methodologies, approaches and techniques to assist the thermal engineers
Yannick Melameka,
Alphid, UK
High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Walter Jones,
International Association for Plant Taxonomy, South Africa
Session Chair
John M Quinn
Exos Aerospace, USA
Session Chair
Silvestro L
3S-Pharmacol. Cons. & Res.
GmbH, Germany
N o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 1 8
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Session Introduction