Chromatography 2018 & Satellite 2018
Market Growth of Chromatography | Advances in Chromatography | Satellite Radiance | Space
Environment and its Interaction with Spacecraft | Military Satellites
Chromatography and separation science in integrated environment code for
sustainable development
Davidson E Egirani,
Enopmc services ltd, UK
Development and identification of a full-detailed friction model of reaction wheel
Milad Azimi,
Aerospace Research Institute, Iran
Structural analysis of a finite element model of 3U cubesat for low earth orbit
Milad Azimi,
Aerospace Research Institute, Iran
Development of HPLC method for simultaneous determination of four steroid
hormones in different matrices
Areeg Z Alkarali,
Misr International University, Egypt
Session Chair
John M Quinn
Exos Aerospace, USA
Session Chair
Silvestro L
3S-Pharmacol. Cons. & Res.
GmbH, Germany
N o v e m b e r 1 3 , 2 0 1 8
D a y 2
Session Introduction