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Cell Science, Stem Cell Research &
Pharmacological Regenerative Medicine
November 29-30, 2017 | Atlanta, USA
Annual Congress on
Adv cel sci tissue cul 2017 | Volume 1 Issue 2
Novel, non-toxic rifamycin that reverse drug resistance in cancers through modulation of oxidative
stress: Dual mode of action
Seyed H Mousavi-Fard, Deeann Wallis, Nian Zhou, Dwight Baker, Kimberly Loesch, Stacy Galaviz, Steve Maxwell
James C Sacchettini
Texas A&M University, USA
e have discovered a novel chemosensitizer (RTI-79, a
rifamycin-derivative) with a broad spectrum of action
that includes ovarian cancer and double and triple hit non-
Hodgkin’s lymphoma. RTI-79 is relatively non-toxic and has
in vivo
safety and pharmacokinetic (PK) profiles.
RTI-79 in combination therapies is effective in multiple
drug resistant cancers in mouse models. RTI-79 works by
dramatically increasing intracellular reactive oxygen species
(ROS), primarily superoxide, through redox cycling. The level
of ROS induction is directly correlated with drug sensitivity.
Importantly, RTI-79 also triggers the unfolded protein
response (UPR) that results in increased ubiquitination and
loss of Nuclear factor erythroid–related factor 2 (Nrf2),
the primary sensor for intracellular ROS. Thus, RTI-79 both
increases ROS and squelches Nrf2’s ability to respond to
ROS. This unique mechanism provides a broad and novel
approach for the very safe application of RTI-79 and other
rifamycin, in treating drug resistant cancers.
Speaker Biography
Seyed H Mousavi-Fard has a demonstrated history of working in the higher education
academia. He has advanced experimental skills in diverse fields ranging from
Diagnostics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics, Cancer Biology and Virology
area. He is a Research Professional with a PhD in Medical Sciences focused on Cancer
Biology from Texas A&M University System Health Science Center, College of Medicine.
He is effectively collaborating with several scientists with minimal supervision. He is
responsible for study protocol design and maintenance, data generation and collection,
resulting in expedited study completion and data output in undertaking projects.