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Cell Science, Stem Cell Research &
Pharmacological Regenerative Medicine
November 29-30, 2017 | Atlanta, USA
Annual Congress on
Adv cel sci tissue cul 2017 | Volume 1 Issue 2
Enriched platelet factors (EnPLAF
), an alternative to PRP for regeneration and rejuvenation
Nathan Katz
Nishit Pancholi
NeoKine Laboratories Inc., USA
latelet rich plasma (PRP) is basically a preparation of
autologous concentrated platelets derived from one’s
own blood. Over the years, PRP has been used for multiple
clinical and aesthetic applications. Multiple commercial kits
are available to derive PRP and mostly all the companies
selling them have their own protocols that they claim can
best concentrate higher number of platelets. When it comes
to deriving the PRP in clinical practice the actual number
of platelets concentrated from each blood sample is more
so often an unknown variable. Therefore, PRP has been
unsuccessful at delivering consistent results inclinical practice
especially in treatments related to pain management and
tissue rejuvenation. Also, there are several drawbacks to PRP
like it has no shelf life and loses activity and potency upon
minimal storage and PRP injections are painful. Moreover,
evidence from scientific research shows that it is the growth
factors that reside in the platelet granules and which are
secreted by the cells upon activation, that are responsible
for inducing healing and regeneration. This is called
paracrine action of cells where they release these beneficial
growth factors at site of injury. The cells themselves do not
survive in this external environment, but it is these growth
factors and cytokines that help healing and regeneration.
So, the solution to the drawbacks of PRP is a process that
can concentrate just the growth factors using a standardized
protocol. We have perfected this process to develop
Enriched platelet factors (EnPLAF
) technology which can
derive beneficial biological factors from patient’s own blood
platelets, but do not contain any live cells. EnPLAF
is rich
in growth factors like platelet derived growth factor (PDGF),
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Since EnPLAF
a non-cellular, growth factors only product it can be stored,
has great shelf life and is not painful to inject. Also, since
is derived from the patient’s own blood, there is
no risk of having an allergic reaction. When used as directed,
can stimulate faster healing and regeneration as
well as reduce pain and inflammation.
Speaker Biography
Nathan Katz has 20 year’s experience in the field of stem cells, human biology and
genetics, with a solid background in commercialization of scientific achievements in
this area. He is recognized as one of most experienced professionals practicing single
cell micro-manipulation, nuclear transfer and genetic diagnosis. His record includes
top notch peer-reviewed publications and dozens of scientific presentations. He is
involved in commercial projects around the world utilizing his professional knowledge
and experience, promoting new methodological approaches in private markets. Being
involved daily in clinical embryology, he has been exposed to field of embryonic stem
cells; adult stem cells came into focus of attention as less controversial and potentially
powerful source for tissue regeneration. His personal experience and leadership
qualities are key factors that led to founding and early success of Jointechlabs Inc.,
stem cells technology venture. He is also the Co-founder and Scientific Director of
NeoKine Laboratories.