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Cell Science, Stem Cell Research &
Pharmacological Regenerative Medicine
November 29-30, 2017 | Atlanta, USA
Annual Congress on
Adv cel sci tissue cul 2017 | Volume 1 Issue 2
Talin2 mediates traction force generation and matrix metalloproteinase secretion to regulate cell
Cai Huang
University of Kentucky, USA
nvadopodia, the key structures that cell invasion, are a
therapeutic target for cancer metastasis. However, the
molecular mechanism that regulates invadopodium maturation
remains to be elucidated. Talin activates integrins and regulates
cell migration, invasion and metastasis. Talin is localized to
invadopodia and is essential for invadopodium formation.
There are two talin genes, Tln1 and Tln2, which encode
talin1 and talin2. It was widely believed that talin2 and talin1
function redundantly, but our recent studies show that talin2
regulates traction force generation, matrix metalloproteinase
(MMP) secretion, invadopodium formation and cell invasion
independently of talin1. In this talk, I will discuss how talin2
mediates traction force generation and MMP secretion and
their role in invadopodium maturation and cell invasion. Our
studies significantly advance our understanding of themolecular
mechanisms by which traction force regulates cell invasion.
Speaker Biography
Cai Huang’s research interest is to understand the signaling mechanisms that regulate
cell migration and invasion, key steps in metastasis, that are highly dynamic processes
requiring temporal and spatial regulation of integrin activation, traction force
generation, focal adhesion dynamics and invadopodium formation. He has a broad
background in the study of focal adhesions and cell migration, with expertise in protein
phosphorylation, ubiquitination and live cell imaging.