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Archives of Industrial Biotechnology | Volume 2

May 14-15, 2018 | Montreal, Canada

World Yeast Congress


-Hydroxyglutarate (2HG) is an atypical metabolite that

accumulates in neurometabolic diseases as well as in

certain types of cancer. The mechanisms through which

2HG leads to cell transformation or neurodegeneration

remain, however, poorly understood. Compared to the

research on 2HG in mammalian systems, and despite certain

advantages of yeast as a model organism for biomedical

research, only a very limited number of studies reported

on the occurrence and metabolism of 2HG in yeast. An

extensive study performed over the last three years in our

lab, revealed a panoply of new findings on 2HG metabolism

of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Among those the fact that the

yeast phosphoglycerate dehydrogenases Ser3 and Ser33

convert α-ketoglutarate to D-2HG in addition to their primary

metabolic role, which consists in catalysing the first step of

the serine synthesis way converting 3-phosphoglycerate to

3-phosphohydroxypyruvate. Our results also show, however,

that the two identified D-2HG producing enzymes do not

represent the only sources of this metabolite in yeast Within

our study, the two dehydrogenases Dld2 and Dld3 were both

shown to convert D-2HG to α-ketoglutarate in vitro. Targeted

metabolome analyses and biochemical characterisation led

additionally to the original finding that DLD3 is actually an

FAD-dependent trans-hydogenase that converts D-2HG to

α-ketoglutarate, using pyruvate as a hydrogen acceptor.

Based on our findings, we were for the first time able

to propose a central carbon network of Saccharomyces

cerevisiae integrating the metabolite D-2HG and connecting

its metabolism to the mitochondrial respiratory chain. In

the present research project we aimed to further elucidate

the metabolic network involved in 2HG formation and

degradation in yeast. Using targeted metabolome analysis

and high-throughput growth phenotyping, we analysed the

accumulation of D-2HG in genotyped natural yeast isolates.

The analysis of strains carrying copy number variations of the

gene DLD3 confirmed that it is the main regulator of 2HG,

but also showed evidence for the presence of additional


Speaker Biography

Nicole Paczia obtained her doctorate from the University of Bielefeld (Germany) in

2012, and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Bio- and Geosciences

1 (Research center Jülich), before starting as a research associate at the Luxembourg

centre for systems biomedicine (LCSB). In 2016, Dr. Paczia was awarded a CORE Junior

Fellowship by the Luxembourg National Reseach Fund (FNR), which allowed her to

establish a Junior Research group within the group for Enzymology and Metabolism,

headed by Dr. Carole Linster at the LCSB. She has published more than 10 papers in

reputed journals, and holds two patents.


Using natural yeast isolates to understand the function of an orphan metabolite

Nicole Paczia

University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg