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Dermatol Res Skin Care 2017 | Volume 1 Issue 1
Dermatologist Summit and Skin Care Expo
October 30-31, 2017 | Toronto, Canada
Prevalence and determinants of eczema among females aged 21 to 32 years in Jeddah city, Saudi
Sultana Alnahdi
Ibn Sina National College, Saudi Arabia
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common, chronic an
inflammatory skin disease with early onset and with a lifetime
prevalence of approximately 20%. Although, the pathogenesis
of the disorder is not completely understood, it appears to
result from the complex interplay between defects in skin
barrier function, environmental, and infectious agents and
immune abnormalities.
The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence and
determinants of Eczema among Saudi female aged 21 to 32
years old in Jeddah city.
A cross-sectional study involved 190 female students
from Ibn Sina National College for Allied Health Sciences in
Jeddah city were chosen by convenient sampling. Data were
collected by interviewquestionnaire (ISAAC: core questionnaire
for asthma, rhinitis and eczema) after getting their consent.
SPSS used for data entry and analysis.
Prevalence of eczema among medical college females
was 16.6%, eczema was similar in Saudi and non-Saudi females
(13.97% and 12.66% respectively, P=0.545). Eczema was
associated with eye allergy (34.2%) with statistical significance
P=0.003. Eczema was associated family members history
with statistical significance P=0.012. There was not statistical
significant relationship between eczema and education level,
parental jobs, drugs chest and nose allergy.
Conclusion: Prevalence of eczema among female medical
students was 16.6%. Eczema was significantly associated with
eye allergy and family history of skin allergy was risk factor of
Speaker Biography
Sultana Alnahdi is a Medical student and recently a Medical Intern in Security Force
Hospital in Jeddah, kingdom of Saudi Arabia. She has been studying in Ibn Sina
Medical College in Jeddah, and graduated in 2017. She has been engaged in various
Dermatology Clinics during her Medical studying years, particularly, immuno-
dermatology and cosmetics. She has an eczema research which has been published.
She is working towards to become an Immuno-Dermatologist, which will be done from
her internship in July of 2018.