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September 20-21, 2017 | Philadelphia, USA
Global summit on
Int J Respir Med 2017 Volume 2 Issue 2
Urogenital tuberculosis (UGTB) is one of the
most common forms of tuberculosis (TB) after pulmonary
Material & Methods:
With purpose to estimate clinical
features of UGTB we analyzed history cases of 131 patients
who were under supervision in Novosibirsk anti-TB
dispensary in 2008-2011 years.
Among 131 pts with UGTB 88 (67.2%) had isolated
kidney TB (KTB): 10 pts (10.2%) – TB of parenchyma, 35
pts (39.8%) – papillitis, 22 pts (22.4%) - cavernous KTB,
21 pts (21.4%) - polycavernous KTB; in 10 pts alongside
with polycavernous KTB male genital TB (MGTB) was
diagnosed. In 33 pts (25.2) MGTB only was revealed: in 14
– orchiepidydidimitis, and in 19 – prostate TB. Main clinical
features were pain (flank or perineal), dysuria, hematuria,
hemospermia, toxicity, but their frequency varied from
0 till 60.0% in different groups. Among all cohort of UGTB
asymptomatic course was in 12.2%, among kidney TB - in
15.9%. Every third patient complained of flank pain and
dysuria (accordingly 35.2% and 39.8%), 17% presented
toxicity symptoms, 9.1% - renal colic, 7.9% - gross-hematuria.
MBT was found in 31.8% in isolated kidney TB as whole.
Sterile pyuria was in 25%. The onset of TB orchiepidydydmitis
was in 35.7%, hemospermia - in 7.1%, dysuria - in 35.7%.
Most common complaints for prostate TB were perineal pain
(31.6%), dysuria (also 31.6%), hemospermia (26.3%). MBT in
prostate secretion / ejaculate was revealed in this group in
UGTB is multivariant disease, and standard
unified approach is impossible. Join term “UGTB” has
insufficient information in order to estimate therapy, surgery
and prognosis – as well as to evaluate the epidemiology.
Using clinical classification will improve the efficiency of the
therapy of UGTB.
ku_ekaterina@mail.ruClinical features of Urogenital tuberculosis
Ekaterina Kulchavenya