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Virology research J 2017 Vol 1 Issue 2

July 26-27, 2017 | Vancouver, Canada





Each country in the world has put in place

strategies to prevent HIV/AIDS infections. In Kenya today, to

control HIV/AIDS infection, there are various strategies that

have been put in place for example: Voluntary counseling

and testing (VCT); prevention of mother to child transmission

(PMTCT), voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC)

and condom use among others. In that context however,

research has shown that Truvada PrEP reduces the risk of

HIV infection by more than 90% among gay and bisexual men

when taken once-daily.


The objective of this study is to investigate the

knowledge of pre exposure prophylaxis (PreP) among men

who have sex with men.


Ten (10) community health workers were subjected

to a three week intensive training programs to empower

themwith skills of carrying out interviews. Data was collected

for a period of three months by use of questionnaires and

personal interviews. During the study, the enumerators used

the following demographic data: Sex, age, education and how

the partners perceive the use of pre exposure prophylaxis.


80 MSM were enrolled in this survey with their ages

ranging from 18-35 years all being males who are HIV+ and

with basic high education. Of 40% of the respondents, they

have preferred to use condoms as a protective device and

other gels other than Truvada PreP. 50% of the respondents

were inagreement tousePrePand theyhad someperceptions

on the cost, availability, side effects in the event of stoppage

while 10% of the respondents were not sure whether to use

Truvada PreP or not since they needed more education of

medical experts. However, the level of knowledge of Truvada

PreP was proportional to their education.


The survey showed that more information on

TruvadaPrePusage shouldbedisseminatedsince itsusage still

remains a myth to most Kenyans (there is still a strong believe

that AIDS has no cure). Therefore, for a successful Truvada

usage depends on opinion leaders, health professionals and

researchers to correct the current misconceptions existing

about Truvada PreP in their communities.


Knowledge of Truvada pre exposure prophylaxis (PreP) among men who have sex with men in Kisumu

County, Kenya

Kiplagat Charles



Nancy Chebon



Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kenya


Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching Hospital, Kenya


he advent of human immunodefiency virus/ acquired

immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/ AIDS) in the world

has forced all of us to accept a paradigm shift from curing

towards caring. This has led us to focus our interventions on

caring for the physical as well as the psychological welfare of

the HIV-positive individuals and his/ her significant others.

A descriptive survey was used to determine the knowledge

awareness level of information services put in place for the

prevention and care of HIV/ AIDS for students of tertiary

institutions in Osun State of Nigeria. The findings revealed

that students of tertiary institutions in Osun State of Nigeria

have high knowledge of the meaning of HIV/ AIDS and they

are aware that HIV/ AIDS can be transmitted through sexual

intercourse. This study also focuses on the practical work

of librarians, information specialists, and health workers in

caring for the physical as well as the psychological needs of

the HIV-positive individuals and his/ her significant others.


Students’ knowledge and information needs on HIV/ AIDS in Nigeria

Chinwe M T Nwezeh,

Awolowo university, Nigeria