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Virology research J 2017 Vol 1 Issue 2

Page 25

July 26-27, 2017 | Vancouver, Canada




Reza Nassiri

Michigan State University, USA

Gaps in HIV epidemic, prevention and control: The role of academic centers


IDS remains a public health and social problems

threatening global population. There are approximately

36.7 million people currently living with HIV and tens of

millions of people have died of AIDS-related complications

since the beginning of the epidemic. The greatest prevalence

and incidence remains in Eastern and southern Africa with 19

million (52%) affected. While new cases have been reported

in all regions of the world, approximately two-thirds are in

sub-Saharan Africa, with 46% of new cases in Eastern and

Southern Africa.

The number of people newly infected with HIV, especially

children, and the number of AIDS-related deaths have

declined over the years. The number of people with HIV

receiving treatment increased to more than 18 million in

2016. However, gaps exist. While studies show declines in

new infections amongadults observedearlier in theepidemic,

incidence is now rising in some areas of the world particularly

in China and India. HIV epidemic has led to a resurgence

of tuberculosis (TB), particularly in Africa. TB is a leading

cause of death for people with HIV worldwide. In 2015,

approximately 11% of new TB cases occurred in people living

with HIV. From our experience of HIV preventive work in the

Dominican Republic, effective prevention strategies include

behavior change programs, condom use, HIV testing, blood

supply safety, harm reduction efforts for injecting drug users,

and male circumcision (WHO and CDC recommendations).

Additionally, recent research has shown that providing HIV

treatment to people with HIV significantly reduces the risk

of transmission to their HIV-negative partners. Pre-exposure

antiretroviral prophylaxis (PrEP) has also been shown to be

an effective HIV prevention strategy in individuals at high risk

for HIV infection.

On World AIDS Day 2014, UNAIDS set targets for 2020 aimed

at ending the epidemic by 2030.These goals and targets were

reiterated in UNAIDS’ 2016-2021 strategy, which also aligns

with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The U.N.

charter members pledged committed to ending the AIDS

epidemic by 2030. To reach this target within the SDGs is the

central challenge facing the UnitedNations General Assembly

High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS which was held from 8

to 10 June 2016. In the United States, new HIV infections

are becoming rare. When they do occur, every person,

regardless of age, gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation,

gender identity, or socio-economic circumstance, will have

access to quality, life-extending care, free from stigma and

discrimination. The Dublin Declaration on Partnership to

Fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia has dramatically

impacted the regional response to the epidemic. The

collaboration between government and civil society has

proven to be essential element of sustainable response

to HIV epidemic, monitoring, prevention and control

(European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Dublin

Declaration Monitoring – 2016 progress).

In conclusion, while numerous socioeconomic and policy

making factors play crucial role in understanding HIV

epidemic, prevention and control, the key stakeholders

are encouraged to work together as a team. Community-

academic partnerships will gain increasing prominence in

solving HIV-related matters

Speaker Biography

Dr. Reza Nassiri is a Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, Professor of Family and Com-

munity Medicine, and lecturer in Global Health, Infectious Diseases and Tropical Med-

icine at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine. His research in-

terests focuses on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV/AIDS & TB, prevention and control of

infectious diseases, neglected tropical diseases, community health, global health, and

socio-ethical determinants of health. Prof. Nassiri works on international public health

issues and has expertise in global health education, research, policy and governance.

He has made contributions in various fields of medical sciences including clinical inves-

tigation and health education. One the basis of his extensive experience and expertise

in HIV/AIDS and TB, he developed Clinical Research Programs in Brazil, South Africa,

Haiti, Dominican Republic and Mexico. The core foci of such programs are socio-cul-

tural, bio-ethical determinant of HIV/AIDS and TB prevention, control and intervention.
