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Virology research J 2017 Vol 1 Issue 2

Page 11

July 26-27, 2017 | Vancouver, Canada




Mee Lian Wong

National University of Singapore, Singapore

HIV/STI prevention interventions for sex workers in different settings in Singapore:

Impact, challenges and lessons learned from two decades of research


ale patronage of female sex workers has been reported

as the main mode of transmission of HIV and Sexually

Transmitted Infections (STIs) in Asia. In Singapore, sex

workers operate from diverse settings ranging from licensed

brothels, to streets and entertainment establishments. A

survey of licensed brothel-based sex workers in Singapore

in 1992 found that 40% tested positive for STIs. Only 45%

used condoms consistently with their clients because they

could not persuade them to use condoms. I collaborated

with the Department of STI Control (DSC), and we developed

an intervention, using behavioral and work environment

strategies to get health staff to motivate the sex workers

to use condoms, develop their condom negotiation skills

and mobilize support from brothel owners for condom use.

Evaluation of the intervention, using a quasi-experimental

design, showed a statistically significant increase in condom

use with a corresponding decline in STIs. The intervention

program was scaled up to all brothel-based sex workers in

which they were required to attend STIs/HIV talks and skills

development sessions on condom use and negotiation at

the DSC Clinic. Program activities for brothel management

included HIV/STI talks and mandatory display of posters on

100% condom use. Free condoms were given to all clients

in the brothels. The program led to a sustained increase in

condom use to more than 90% with a corresponding decline

in STIs from 40 per 1000 person months to less than 1 per

1000 person-months among the sex workers. In recent

years, globalization and wide income disparities across

countries in Asia led to an influx of women from the region

to work in entertainment establishments in Singapore.

Our survey on entertainment establishments in Singapore

in 2008 found that 70% of entertainment establishments

provided sexual services. Almost all (>90%) of the female

entertainment workers came from Asia and some came

on short term social visit passes. Condom use with clients

was low (<50%) among them. We faced more challenges

in designing interventions for this group than for brothel-

based workers because of their geographic mobility, illegal

and hidden nature of their work, their lack of access to STI/

HIV screening and treatment, and the influence of alcohol

on condom use. We collaborated with non-governmental

organizations and developed outreach peer-led sessions

on condom negotiation and alcohol consumption. Free

condoms and STI screening were also provided. At 6-week

follow-up, the intervention group was more likely than the

control group to report consistent condom use with paid

partners (75% vs. 42%; adjusted risk ratio [aRR] 1∙78; 95%

CI: 1∙73 – 1∙84). There was also a corresponding significant

decline in STI incidence (8∙2 % vs. 13.5%, p<0.05). Given the

heterogeneity of sex work, we need to develop context-

specific and culturally appropriate multilevel interventions

that address structural and behavioral barriers to condom

use. It is crucial to address the social and structural influences

on condom use among foreign sex workers in Singapore by

working with relevant stakeholders and by using community

empowerment strategies.

Speaker Biography

Mee-Lian Wong is Associate Professor of Public Health at the National University of Sin-

gapore - Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health. She received her MBBS and MPH from

the University of Malaya and her Doctor of Medicine from the National University of

Singapore. Her current research interests include health promotion, behavioral change

and prevention of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV among adolescents,

heterosexual men and sex workers in Singapore and Cambodia. She has devoted 24

years to research in the development and evaluation of STI/HIV/AIDS programs and be-

havioral interventions for sex workers. She has published more than 100 papers on STI/

prevention and health promotion. Her research on HIV/STI prevention has earned her

many awards, including (i) the Wilf Howe Memorial Prize 2008, Faculty of Occupational

Health Physicians, United Kingdom, for outstanding intervention/research project on

STI prevention among sex workers with demonstrable health benefits, (ii) Red Ribbon

Award, Singapore 2014 for her invaluable research contributions in HIV prevention and

control (iii) National Skin Centre (NSC) Distinguished Friend Award 2009, for signifi-

cant contributions to the Department of STI Control, NSC in translational research in

HIV/STI prevention and control (iv) SEAMEO-JASPER award, second best research on

women and health for her research study, Women and Sexually transmitted Diseas-

es: A Sustainable Intervention to Increase Condom Use and Reduce Gonorrhea among

Sex Workers in Singapore, 1996 and (v) the Rockefeller Foundation’s (US) Reflections

on Development Fellowship award, 1989 for her research on Women in Health and

Community Development. She is also Visiting Consultant to the Department of STI

Control, National Skin Center, Singapore. She has previously served as Assistant Dean

of Preclinical Education at the Yong Loo School of Medicine, National University of Sin-

gapore; and Program Director of the National Preventive Medicine Residency Program,

