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October 22-23, 2018 | Frankfurt, Germany
International Conference on
Robo t i c s a n d A u t oma t i o n
B iomater ial s and Nanomater ial s
Joint Event
Journal of Biomedical Research | Volume 29
Using robotics programming in primary education
Hiroko KANOH
National University Corporation Yamagata University, Japan
obots for educational purposes also come with a smaller
size and in a low-cost market, such as the Wonder
Workshop Dash Robot, Ozobot, SPHERO, BB-8, Wow Wee COJI
The Coding Robot Toy, mBot, Transformable DIY Programmable
Robot Kit, Clementoni my First Robot, LEGO, Bocco, Plen, Chip,
Damian, Hicolor, Kamigami Robots Spot the Ladybug, DOBBY,
Robi, Robohon, Roboactor, OHaNAS, Zoomer, Mip, KINGBOT,
DIY Iron Bot Robot, Premaid, light sensor programing car, the
exhilarated robot programming set, the Puchi little robot,
block robot taste and Tama robot, etc. Why are there so many
robots invented for programming education? They stimulate
students through body sensation. In prior to the breakthrough
learning point at 9 years old, touching various objects and
observing in real objects are vitally
important.So,our focus is
on the planning of the implementation of robot programming
as primary students in Japan, in where programming education
is still in a very initial stage, students should also be more
interested in programming through real and visible robotic
movements than in computerized ones. Kanoh upholds the
instruction proposal of nurturing “ways to learn and think about
the information” defined by Kanoh and her group and the
implementation of the programming education proposal in the
concrete controlling period of Piaget, J’s development theory
is also suggested. The project ‘Challenge Robots Programming’
was carried out on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at Yamagata
Municipal Elementary School 5. 18 children participated. When
checking the Pearson correlation coefficient on both sides, a
highly positive correlation coefficient (r=.78, p<.01) was found
about the degree of understanding to the programming itself.
The linear approximation curve is y = 0.48x + 3.02, which
proves that children are highly motivated to learn about and
have a high degree of understanding towards programming.
In addition, some children explored questions they found.
e: & Biomaterials 2018, Volume 29
DOI: 10.4066/biomedicalresearch-C6-017