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Journal of Environmental Waste Management and Recycling | Volume 1
March 05-06, 2018 | London, UK
Recycling & Waste Management
International Conference on
omposite material production leads to wastes production
and also leads to end-of-life wastes. Their management
is a crucial problem to ensure the sustainability of the sector
of the composite material made with organic matrix. Hence,
since ten years, researchs on composite material recycling
are carried out in our laboratories. Thus, three ph-D theses
were defended referring to recycling by solvolysis. These
works carried out news results on thermal mechanisms and
on energy balance occurring during composites solvolysis
process, with no equivalent in our bibliographic study. In
this presentation, we will focus particularly, first, on the
energetic approach of the solvolysis phenomenon. To this
end, differential scanning calorimetric approach was used.
The main result of this work is that the most important
observed phenomenon is the condensation of the water
vapor when pressure increase inside the reactor. In a second
time, to be sure of these results, a reactor and samples were
instrumented by thin thermo couples (diameter 100µm) to
record the temperature evolution during the processes of
solvolysis. These last experiments prove that the sample is
the locus of exothermic reactions.
jean-luc.bailleul@univ-nantes.frComposite material recycling by solvolysis - Energetic and thermal approach of the process
Jean-Luc Bailleul, Bellettre J
Le Gal La Salle E
LTeN – University of Nantes - France