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Journal of Environmental Waste Management and Recycling | Volume 1
March 05-06, 2018 | London, UK
Recycling & Waste Management
International Conference on
he food sector is increasingly under pressure to improve
its resource efficiency, with particular areas of focus on
reduction of food waste, energy and water consumption.
In order to achieve this, it is vital for the Food Supply Chain
(FSC) actors to share and exchange information in a timely
manner. The technology and tools associated with the
concept Internet of Things (IoT) is capable of supporting
numerous tasks in real-time such as tracking, locating,
monitoring, measuring, analyzing, planning and managing
and enhancing efficiency and transparency within FSCs.
In this context, the application of IoT for reduction of
food waste is garnering lots of attention from researchers,
politicians, and industrialists to achieve food security goals.
But, the traditional methods of physically monitoring
the food wastes in food supply chain is labour intensive,
complex, and is often time consuming and costly. Therefore,
there is a need to explore an innovative approach based on
an automated real-time system to monitor and analyze the
food waste and incorporate it in strategic planning of FSC
which enables management to take better decisions and in
turn make supply chain more sustainable and resilient.
s.z.jagtap@lboro.ac.ukApplication of internet of things for food waste reduction in food supply chain
Sandeep Jagtap
Loughborough University, UK