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November 13-14, 2017 Paris, France
International Conference on
Journal of Biotechnology and Phytochemistry
Volume 1, Issue 2
Plasma Chemistry 2017
The experimental study on the plasma gasification
and vitrification of fly ash and bottom ash
Ming Hu, Fu Gang Zhu
Chen Gong
Everbright Envirotech, China
ly ash and bottom ash generated from hazardous waste
incinerator still belong to hazardous waste, because they
contain a lot of heavy metals and dioxins. At present, the main
disposal method is landfill, although it has the disadvantages of
taking up a lot of lands, producing serious secondary pollution
and so on. Plasma gasification and vitrification are one of the
cleanest and most efficient technologies to deal with solid waste,
and it produces little pollution and can make maximum use of
resources. In order to obtain key data for engineering application,
fly ash and bottom ash were melted using a plasma furnace
of the pilot scale with feeding and discharging continuously.
The properties of vitrification, secondary fly ash, and gaseous
product were analyzed thoroughly, and the net input power
required was also calculated. As the results, the density of the
vitrification was 2.8-3.5 g/cm
and the leaching results of heavy
metals from the vitrification were below the limits (EN 12457/
GB 5085.3). The plasma furnace could deal with 300 kg of fly ash
and bottom slag continuously, and the net input power was 0.8
kWh/kg. The yield of the secondary fly ash was nearly 7%, and
the main components of it were NaCl and KCl. However, there
are several urgent problems to solve, such as reducing the energy
consumption, extending the service life, dealing with the high
content of chlorine and making up the most use of vitrification
Ming Hu obtained his PhD degree in plasma physics from University of Science
and Technology of China, China in 2014. He has joined in Everbright Envirotech
Ltd, Nanjing, China as a Director of research in 2015. Since 2015 he served as
a head of the plasma technology working group at the Everbright Environmental
Research Institute, Nanjing, China. He has published seven articles, one book
chapter and 20 patents. His publications reflect his research interests and
expertise in experimental study of thermal plasma, waste plasma gasification
technology and ash plasma melting technology. Hu et al., J Biot Phyt 2017