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Monday, November 14, 2017 | Day 2
Major Sessions:
Plasma Chemistry | Plasma Classification | Plasma Diagnostics | Plasma Spectrochemistry | Applied Plasma
Technologies | Areas of Plasma Technology | Plasma Medicine and Plasma Biology
Session Chair
Daniel Fruchart
Institute of Neel, France
Session Introduction
Structure and thermodynamics of Mg-Ti-H films deposited by microwave plasma-assisted
Daniel Fruchart,
Neel Institute – CNRS, France
Efficient degradation of organic dyestuffs wastewater by liquid phase plasma synergy with
nano-material photo catalysis
Wanyuan Gui,
University of Science and Technology, China
The experimental study on the plasma gasification and vitrification of fly ash and
bottom ash
Ming Hu,
Everbright Envirotech, China
A single electrode plasma discharge tube device
Shouguo Wang,
Qilu University of Technology, China
Transient model of the metallic plasma and neutral gas interaction in a low-pressure arc
D F Devia,
National University of Colombia, USA