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Journal of Biotechnology and Phytochemistry

Volume 1, Issue 2

Plasma Chemistry 2017

November 13-14, 2017 Paris, France



International Conference on



Fortov V E, J Biot Phyt 2017

Fortov V E

Joint institute for high temperatures of RAS, Russia

Space experiment “plasma kristall–4” on the

international space statin: first results


he new Russian-European “Plasma Kristall

– 4” (PK-4) space laboratory is intended for

investigation of fundamental properties of strongly

coupled dusty (complex) plasma under microgtravity

conditions. In dusty plasmas, the subsystem of µm-

sized microparticles immersed in low-pressure weakly

ionized gas-discharge plasmas becomes strongly

coupled due to the high (103–104 e) electric charge on

the microparticle surface. The microparticle subsystem

of complex plasmas is available for the observation

at the kinetic level, which makes complex plasmas

appropriate for particle-resolved modeling of classical

condensed matter phenomena. The PK-4 equipment

was developed in close cooperation between scientists

of the joint institute for high temperatures of RAS (JIHT

RAS) and scientists of the Max-planck-institute fur

extraterrestrische physik (MPE) in garching (Germany).

The PK-4 space experiment is a continuation of previous

Russian-German “Plasma Kristall – 3” (PK-3) and

“Plasma Kristall – 3 Plus” space experiments. While the

PK-3 setups were suitable mostly for investigations of

dustyplasmacrystals, themodernPK-4setup is intended

for investigations of hydrodynamic phenomena of highly

nonideal dusty plasma liquid. The PK-4 setup was

installed in the European laboratory module Columbus

at the end of 2014 and commissioned at June 2015.

The operation of the PK-4 laboratory is performing with

the participation of the International Coordination Group

(Facility Science Team). In contrast to the PK-3 setups,

to generate plasma the PK-4 facility makes use of a

classical dc discharge in a glass tube. The facility is

equipped with two videocameras and illumination laser

for the microparticle imaging, kaleidoscopic plasma

glow observation sys-tem and mini spectrometer

for plasma diagnostics and various micro particle

manipulation devices (e.g., powerful manipulation

laser). Scientific experiments are programmed in

the form of scripts written with the help of specially

developed C scripting language libraries. PK-4 is mainly

operated from the ground (control center CADMOS in

Toulouse, France) with the support of the space station

crew. Data recorded during the experiments are later

on delivered to the ground on the removable hard disk

drives and distributed to participating scientists for the

detailed analysis. The first experimental results from

the PK-4 facility will be reported. Space experiment

PK-4 is supported by the Russian State Corporation

ROSCOSMOS and the European Space Agency.


Fortov V E is a well-known scientist in the field of plasma and space physics,

extremely high pressures and temperatures, physics and chemistry of strong

shock and detonation waves, pulsed energetics. He is academician of Russian

Academy of Sciences, head of the division of energetics, machinery, mechanics

and control systems of RAS and director of joint institute for high temperature

of RAS. He performed experimental investigations on physical properties of hot

dense matter at mega bar pressure range. He is one of the first who applied the

intense shock and detonation waves for investigations of physical properties

of plasmas under extreme pressure and temperature. Along with the Russian

prizes and medals he was awarded L.P. Karpinsky international prize in physics

and chemistry, 1997; international P. Bridgeman prize for achievements in high

pressure physics and technology; 1999, international Max-Plank award for physics,

2002; international alfven prize of European Physical Society in plasma science;

2003; Americal Physical Society prize in shock compression science for pioneering

research in high energy density physics, 2005; A.Einstein gold medal of UNESCO

for achievements in science and international collaboration, 2005; order of merit

of the Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesverdienstkreuz) for achievements in

science and collaboration with german researchers, 2006; Honoured legion order,

france, 2006; International glass memory award for achievements in shock wave

science, 2009.