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Journal of Biotechnology and Phytochemistry

Volume 1, Issue 2


Plasma Chemistry 2017

November 13-14, 2017 Paris, France



International Conference on



Véronique Bommier, J Biot Phyt 2017

The anisotropic Debye Shielding as visible in

sunspot photosphere


ecent measurements, that now allow 3D mapping

of the solar magnetic field vector, as well as past

astrophysics literature, coincide about the surprising

feature that thevertical gradient of themagnetic field |dBz/

dz|, which is found about 3 G/km, is not compensated

for by the horizontal gradient |dBx/dx + dBy/dy|, which

is found about 0.3 G/km only, in sunspot photosphere.

The departure from zero of their combination to form

divB is much larger than the estimated measurement

uncertainties. A test of the observational result will be

presented. I assign this feature to a plasma effect, the

Debye shielding, but anisotropic as in plasma located at

the surface of a star. The horizontal Froude number is

found to be on the order of a few 1e-

2. The solar photosphere plasma is however dominated

by neutral hydrogen atoms, whose density is on the

order of 1e16 atoms per cubic centimetre, whereas

the electron density is about 1e12 electrons per cubic

centimetre only. Thus the magnetization remains small.

I will present how the Debye shielding when anisotropic

is able to explain how the gravity, which makes the

velocities anisotropic by strong stratification, thus makes

the shielding anisotropic, which results in an apparent

magnetic flux non-conservation for the magnetic field

created by the moving charges. Interesting experimental

results in an also anisotropic plasma, also displaying

measured non-zero divB, are available in the literature

(Gekelman et al., 2012, ApJ, 753, 131 and Gekelman et

al., 2016, Phys. Scr. 91, 054002).


Véronique Bommier, born in 1954, is "ancienne eleve" of the "Ecole Normale

Superieure de Jeunes Filles". She was formed about quantum mechanics by Pr

Cohen-Tannoudji at the "Ecole Normale Superieure". After her thesis about the

magnetic field measurement by interpretation of the hanle effect observed in the He

I D3 line of solar prominences, she participated to the preparation and development

of the observations with the French-Italian THEMIS telescope. She was formed

in radiactive transfer by Pr Egidio Landi Degl'Innocenti (Florence University),

who developed also a Zeeman effect inversion code UNNOFIT, that V. Bommier

generalized to the scan of active and quiet regions and unresolved magnetic

structures. Thus, she is now an expert on all magnetic field measurements in all the

various solar regions. She then applied to space data from the HINODE/SOT/SP

and recently SDO/HMI satellites, the methods developed on THEMIS about active

and quiet region magnetic field mapping.

Véronique Bommier

LESIA, Paris Observatory, France