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Journal of Agricultural Science and Botany | Volume: 2
November 15-16, 2018 | Paris, France
Plant Science
Natural Products,Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicines
International Conference on
Joint Event
Vegetal nutrition in tropical crops
Gloria E Arevalo de Gauggel
Zamorano University, Honduras
ithin the tropics, there are marked differences in climate
(temperature and rainfall) related to altitude and the
influence of the temperature patterns of the Atlantic and Pacific
Oceans and usually, within regions, a strong orographic effect.
Strong differences in soil parent materials, besides the other
four soil forming factors present challenges in plant nutrition of
the great range of tropical crops. Each of these crops with very
different nutrient demands. Among themost cultivated tropical
crops are oil palm, bananas, plantains, coffee, sugarcane,
cocoa, pineapples, potatoes, cassava, coconuts, corn, beans,
rice, ornamental crops and forestry (indigenous and exogenous
species). Most tropical countries base their agricultural goals in
two very different aims: self-feeding and exporting agricultural
produce to obtain most wanted income from wealthy markets.
In such variety of soils, climates, crops and at the face of
global warming and climate change, plant nutrition poses a
great challenge to secure high yields and sustainable natural
resources. Usually, small-farmers base plant nutrition programs
on nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium applications without
any soil or leaf analyses using traditional nutrient application
rates. However, very significant yields havebeingobtained in the
crops indicated previously by using soil and tissue analyses and
applying the entire range of essential plant nutrients, irrigation,
drainage and improving soil physical conditions that constrain
nutrient up take. Large-scale plantations apply nutrients to the
leaf based on soil, leaf and soil solution analyses. Plant nutrition
Speaker Biography
Gloria Arévalo has completed her Ph.D. in 2015 from Almería University, Spain. She
obtained her Master Degree in the National University of Colombia. She is Associate
Professor of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition at Zamorano University in Honduras.
She has over 200 publications and has been serving as an editorial board member of
reputed Journals.
ggauggel@zamorano.eduGloria E Arevalo de Gauggel
, Plant science & Natural Medicine 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7897-C1-002