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Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistical Applications | Volume: 1
August 23-24, 2018 | London, UK
Applied Physics
International Conference on
Polaritons in a nonideal array of microcavities with ultracold quantum dots
Vladimir Rumyantsev
A A Galkin Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering, Ukraine
he report is devoted to elucidation of the effect of
point-like defects on polariton dispersion in a 1D and 2D
microcavity array with embedded one-level quantum dots.
It is shown that the presence of vacancies in the microcavity
(resonator) and atomic (quantum dots) subsystems results
in a substantial renormalization of polariton spectrum and
thus in a considerable alteration of optical properties of the
structure. Introduction of defects leads to an increase in the
effectivemasses of polaritons andhence toadecreaseof their
group velocity. Our model is primarily based on the virtual
crystal approximation, which is often employed to examine
quasiparticle excitations in sufficiently simple disordered
superstructures. More complex systems usually require the
use of more sophisticated methods such as the (one- or
multinode) coherent potential approximation, the averaged
T-matrix method and their various modifications. The
obtained numerical results contribute to our understanding
of composite polaritonic structures and the prospects
of their utilization for construction of solid-state devices
with controllable propagation of electromagnetic waves.