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Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistical Applications | Volume: 1
August 23-24, 2018 | London, UK
Applied Physics
International Conference on
“Local symmetry – shape – size” relation of the channel for transport of atoms, molecules from the
variation principles
Nadezhda Krylova
Moscow Region State University, Russia
or the transfer of foreign atoms (ions, molecules) in different
bodies transport channels play an important role, the
transverse dimensions of which are comparable or exceed
several times thesizeof thetransportedatoms (ions,molecules).
In the work it was possible to show, in an explicit form,
the influence of the local symmetry type of the transport
channel on its inner “radius” of the cavity. It turned out that
the channel with helical symmetry has an internal radius
substantially greater than the radius of the channel with
cylindrical symmetry. Since the general principle of minimal
action of the system were used to clarify this situation,
it can be assumed that, in most cases, when organizing
transport channels for the transfer of atoms (molecules,
ions), the preferred type of symmetry will be the structure
of the channel showing the properties of screw symmetry.